Starting a ecommerce store

I am thinking of starting my website and have been looking at ecommerce sites such as big commerce, shopify and volusion or have a company build a website. The cost of building a website seems quite expensive.
Just wondering if anyone has done this and can offer any advice. I am looking at other options to selling because the fees on ebay are killing my business, so I may need to bite the bullet and try my own website. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated
Thank you in advane
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Shopify I found to be very easy to set up and very low cost to run compared with ebay.

For me , most of my sales are through Shopify and very few on ebay.

As lomg as you have a way of directing potential customers to your store like Facebook etc it will work fine for you.


I would prefer to have both ebay and shopify as ebay has such a large exposure and can attract new customers to both your locations however the integration stopped working last week and ebay hasnt answered the issue as yet - Shopify indicate it is not their issue but ebay's.


With Shopify I have had maybe a 10 fold increase in sales ( from a specialised customer base ) and do prefer the low fees compared with ebay , but if you are just starting out , tehn ebay probably the best at least until you can get Shopify or some other avenue working for you and producing good income levels.

I am now in the process of opening an actual retail store to supplement the Shopify sales , it really is going that good.