on 05-10-2024 01:12 PM
Hi community!
OK, I think I have a weird one here....
I have selling fees outstanding of $12.49. It should come off my VISA which is stored with Ebay.
Instead, Ebay keep trying to deduct from my bank account - also stored with Ebay. (This is a deposit only account so it cannot be drawn upon)
The set up is: Payouts go to bank account. VISA used for purchases and payment of fees.
I was using the app and after an hour on Ebay support chat I worked out that there is an on/off switch in payment methods (only available on desktop website) and I switched VISA to ON for payment of fees.
Today, after yet another threat of sending me to a debt collector, I tried the ONE TIME PAYMENT and the only option given is the BANK ACCOUNT!
I am beyond frustrated. It's only $12.49!
Has anyone out there ever had this mishap happen?
To be honest, even after I set my payouts to weekly, they still paid me out next day and then billed me for postage. 😞
I will rock quietly in the corner whilst I await replies lol
So, you've successfully done what's in the below link? How long ago, did you change to Visa card for fees?
Setting up and changing your payment method for fees and selling costs | eBay
Thank you for your reply. As a member for 25 years, I am very aware of how to set up. It has always been set to VISA. Ebay support - 5 days ago - asked me to uncheck the Ebay Plus button. I confirmed the VISA option was checked. Still checked. I have many screenshots but no way to upload when Im chatting to Ebay help team. Confirmed today bank account is set to PAYOUTS ONLY. VISA is set to checkout and selling fees. I tried to make one time payment and guess what....it brought up the option of paying from bank account. Years ago, the one time payment allowed you to put in any card as a "One off Payment". I have no idea what's going on and I believe Ebay don't either as they haven't been able to fix it. It's bizarre