on 09-12-2013 12:29 AM
Showed up on Promotional offers on Selling Manager Summary page. No email sent this time.
Hope one of the links works for everyone.
on 10-12-2013 08:58 PM
Didn't get it as usual.. doesn't make sense to me, I only ever list when I have free listings because I rarely get sales. The more I sell the more money ebay makes.. give everyone the free listings!
on 10-12-2013 10:51 PM
Thanks for the heads up...I got them...
on 13-12-2013 04:48 PM
There is a catch to the 200 free listings. You must relist them at least once to get the first listings for free, and the second relisting costs you. If you relisted 200 items, then at 20 cents an item, you will be charged $40. then you have to individually end them all before they relist again a third time! Not wor.th it unless you usually list your items good till cancelled . You have to read the fine print.
on 13-12-2013 05:00 PM
Lizzy a new Good til cancelled is free - if it is created and listed in the promotion period.
The next time it relists it will incur fees.
All other buy-it-nows with shorter durations listing during the promotion are free within the promotion period.
on 13-12-2013 05:09 PM
are you sure??
why does it say " only till good till cancelled .... will be elligible for promotion?
I guess I will accept and see if 30 listings come up free.
on 13-12-2013 05:10 PM
on 14-12-2013 11:49 AM
I agree. I have a positve seller account since 2002 and a clean one too. If postage was quoted excessively, after posting, I apologise to buyer and provide an immediate refund of the extra money back to buyer's account. Though it adds inconvenience but at least im just being honest and when they receive the item, they can tell what the exact postage was used.
Then my friend has an account who only sells 5 in a year, she always get promo listing.
so annoying. I am so tempted to open a new account
on 14-12-2013 12:08 PM
@lizzy6107 wrote:
- Only Good ‘Til Cancelled listings created during the Promotion Period will be eligible for the Promotion.
- Good ‘Til Cancelled listings created during the Promotion Period will be eligible only until the listing automatically re-lists.
These two lines can be interpreted a couple of different ways, but what it they actually mean are only GTC listings created during the promotion will be free - in other words GTC created before and that tick over during the promotion are charged as normal (if applicable), unlike the normal free listings you get with a store package.
The second one means that the free GTC listing is only eligible to be free for one duration. (It's trying to make clear the listing isn't free forever, only until it ticks over, if you create a GTC listing during the promotion and end it before it ticks over the first time, you won't be charged at all).
on 15-12-2013 09:42 PM
i would love to know how ebay decides who gets the free offers (& who doesn't) - i didn't get this offer
I seem to very very very rarely get them.the last time i got 200 free listngs I sold over 30 items that week.
I am reluctant to pay for listings, as ebay buyers seem to have habit of just watching items a lot of the time
& I can;t afford to keep paying relisting fees.
if it was always free to list, we would list more items (there would be more to choose from which would attract more buyers)
and more stuff would sell, meaning more money for ebay (just my two cents)