on 05-08-2013 03:00 PM
Dear guys
I have problem. My sutff in listing in ebay Australia. More than 400 people view my product but no one bidding.. I confuse why
My product is ok and price as welll.. please advice me
this the link of my product
on 05-08-2013 03:13 PM
off the top of my head?
rain forest alliance certification?
customs issues?
cheaper from a shop?
Buyers trying to keep money in Australia?
on 05-08-2013 05:53 PM
Didn't you ask this question last week?
Or was it somebody else selling Indonesian coffee?
You can ask the same question over and over again, but I doubt you'll get a different answer. There are plenty of sources for good coffee in Australia, why would people buy from Indonesia? Unless they want the stuff that's been through a civet.
on 05-08-2013 06:35 PM
Isn't coffee how some drug smugglers try and get their drugs past the authorities? That's the first thing that comes to my mind, anyway, so there is no way in Hades that I'd be buying coffee from anywhere but my local supermarket, delicatessan or Zaraffa's shop, ESPECIALLY not from Indonesia. It's just one of those things that seem to be surrounded by a bit of controversy and I'd rather someone else be in charge of importing them.
Even though ya get 3 square meals a day and free TV whilst a guest of Her Majesty's. I hate sharing bathrooms.
But that's just me.
on 05-08-2013 07:29 PM
Yeh coffee is something u can get cheap around the corner, so why pay and wait online. The other thing is I think food/drink is something most people want from a registered shop as it's something we put in out bodies and most people want to make sure it's met all health standards including a safe delivery of postage.
on 05-08-2013 08:26 PM
on 05-08-2013 09:34 PM
I assume you're not referring to low feedback dropshipping sellers. They've been around since Adam was a boy. Generally they are a bit more sophisticated than the OP, so I assume the OP is genuine and has no real idea of the market they are trying to sell into.
Assuming you are not a scamming dropshipper, of course.
on 05-08-2013 10:16 PM
Your postage costs - far too expensive when I can buy locally graown coffee for much less!
on 05-08-2013 11:23 PM
OP, Ausrtalians have developed a highly sophisticated palate for coffee over the last decade or so.
We also live in a very multi cultural country & for this reason these new australians have bought with them their wonderful food & coffee culture. Coffee is available to us pretty much just around every corner.and really good coffee at that.
I appreciate your efforts to start a business & I am not arguing that your belief that your product is superior to Starbucks is not justified however we arent a Starbucks culture here.We have a much more refined sensibility when it comes to our coffee preferences.
PersonaIly I will only buy coffee beans I can taste first & I dont think I am alone in this regard.
You are trying to sell into a market that already has an abundance of great quality & well costed product available.
Respectfully I would recommend you undertake a little bit of market research. Try to source a market/country that has a demand for your coffee.
on 05-08-2013 11:24 PM
pardon the typos..........Australians