on โ09-10-2013 04:39 PM
After reading all the complaints about AP deliveries maybe its about time we invested in larger letter boxes that can handle parcels, i know that its not always practical to be able to do this but it might make deliveries more secure
on โ09-10-2013 05:31 PM
Exactly!...long overdue I reckon,in Victoria at least, Police are recommending deeper lockable letter/parcel boxes in an effort to lessen letter box pilfering.
A lot of private post recepticals I see are way past their use by date and not acceptable for the huge amount of freight that Posties/Couriers have to contend with in this online world we live in!
on โ09-10-2013 09:23 PM
I have a letter box the size of 3 shoe boxes to fit mail in. I put a lock on because parcels from china the silver envelope ones where being left falling out. So what does aus post do.Put the packages on the footpath next to the letterbox.
on โ09-10-2013 11:26 PM
on โ15-10-2013 09:56 AM
on โ15-10-2013 11:55 AM
on โ15-10-2013 12:06 PM
@australiapoststore wrote:
Hey Belindabargainhunter & cq_tech,
Thatโs unfortunate. Iโm sorry your deliveries have been less than satisfactory. If you both would like to send us a Tweet or Facebook message weโll get in touch with you and contact your Delivery Centres. Weโll happily get to the bottom of this and make sure your parcels are not left on the ground.
Australia Post eBay Team Member
Are you joshing Rory - spamming the boards in response to posters AP issues by inviting individuals to resolve their issues by contacting via Tweet or Facebook message ?
Maybe add the phone number and/or web link to AP website complaint and then I could take your concern a tad more seriously.
on โ15-10-2013 12:12 PM
on โ15-10-2013 01:18 PM
@australiapoststore wrote:
Hey Belindabargainhunter & cq_tech,
Thatโs unfortunate. Iโm sorry your deliveries have been less than satisfactory. If you both would like to send us a Tweet or Facebook message weโll get in touch with you and contact your Delivery Centres. Weโll happily get to the bottom of this and make sure your parcels are not left on the ground.
Australia Post eBay Team Member
No you're not.
Aus Post reps have been telling us this for ages now, and the issues are getting worse, not better.
If you were genuinely sorry you would refrain from making condescending damage control cut and paste responses and actually fix the issues.