on โ26-11-2016 05:11 PM
I am a newbie to Best Offer option.
I had an offer and I made a counteroffer. While waiting for the 1st person to action my counteroffer, I had a 2nd offer from a different person, I made the same counteroffer to the 2nd person.
Do I have to wait the 2 days to finish with 1st person before I can deal with 2nd person? Or can I deal with both at the same time and accept the better offer regardless if it was the 1st or 2nd person?
on โ26-11-2016 05:15 PM
It is in the hands of the buyer - the first one to accept the counteroffer wins the item.
The buyer(s) may also send another offer, they have 3 goes.
on โ26-11-2016 05:59 PM
on โ26-11-2016 08:17 PM
the way I read you Opening Post, you will not be accepting the 'better offer' as you have indicated that you have made the same counteroffer to each member.
If either one accepts the counteroffer the item will become unavailable to the other.
The old adage of he who hesitates is lost can be reworded for eBaying to he who hesitates loses
on โ27-11-2016 07:04 AM
Thank you.