21-05-2021 10:20 PM - edited 21-05-2021 10:21 PM
Hi everyone, how are you? I have finally been forced onto Managed Payments and went to File Exchange to bulk-upload my items, but discovered it's gone, or rather it's now merged into something called Seller Hub Reports.
It says uploading a File Exchange file will work fine as it's backwards compatible, however it doesn't work. I was in eBay support for a couple of hours after spending aaaaages trying to get it working, and they got their dev team working on it and they couldn't fix it.
This is the error I get every time: 21915469 "Error - At least one valid shipping service must be specified."
Anyone who used Turbo Lister will probably be familiar with this error. The solution was to reset the shipping details and start them from scratch, then it'd start working. But now we have to use Business Policies, and the same method is not fixing the problem as I tried making a new policy.
Is there someone else who is having the same problem? Or were you able to solve it somehow?
on 22-05-2021 04:10 PM
It's a bit hard to give an answer without seeing your headings, and I am no expert on business policies. However in general terms you need to remove the old shipping headings and replace with them with
PaymentProfileName, ShippingProfileName, and ReturnProfileName
then use the policiy that you greated under these headings. I hope that helps.
on 26-05-2021 01:32 PM
Thanks for your reply gec2002, I am using those headings:
I also cannot download a "Basic Template" file as per eBay's instructions as the option doesn't exist in my reports area - a separate issue I have lodged support for.
This new forum system is stupid. Has anyone noticed sometimes you have to click Reply twice to get a reply text box to load? I then type in a reply and it asks me to log in, so I do, and then an "Unexpected Error" occurs and my reply is lost. A habit I got from the old Netscape Navigator days is to always copy any long inputted form text before submitting a form, in case it crashes.
on 28-05-2021 08:57 AM
Not sure if they are all your headings or not, but if they are try adding PayPalAccepted and PayPalEmailAddress even with policies they are required. Also double check that the policy names entered are exactly identical to the actual Policy names.