on 11-11-2014 09:48 PM
Has anyone else had this problem ?
I have a buyer who is having problems to pay for a game... actually this last few days, i had more buyers who had problems paying for items they bought, but after sending the invoices they were able to pay without problems...
This buyer, tried to pay for the game but was notified that i had not confirmed shipping details. Then, she email me and i sent her an invoice, explaining that she had to choose the shipping method, free or registered.
Later, i got another message saying that she couldnt pay for the game because it said i had not specified the shipping method, then she bought another game by mistake... she email me again, and i just sent her a transaction cancellation request for the game she bought by mistake, and dont really know what to do now.... can someone help please? is there a glitch or something going on?
on 11-11-2014 10:03 PM
This has apparently been a glitch for a few days, but I would also check that they are definitely registered in Australia, or a country you post to, just in case they're getting that message because they have an overseas postage address.
I'm presuming that the buyer attempting to pay with PayPal, so if all else fails, you can generate an independent invoice from PayPal and send it to their email address, then mark it as paid on eBay once you've received their payment. You would need to confirm which shipping method they want, as you won't be able to provide different options on the PayPal invoice (as far as I know).
on 12-11-2014 10:15 PM
I hope they fix this issue soon...
The buyer was able to pay for the item today, so all good, didnt need to send the invoice from paypal.
Thank you for your help digital*ghost