Buyer previously won item didn't pay within 8 days, so i re listed and they won again much cheaper

Hey team,


Recently I auctioned an item which sold for $44. After contacting the buyer (only 2 purchases in their history, VERY low-level user) multiple times I never received payment, so I did my due diligence and waited until the four days no payment window passed, put it through the resolution centre and then cancelled the sale. Didn't even get a chance to leave feedback.


After this, I re-listed the item, and no sooner had I done this the original buyer messages me with "hi i’m so sorry i haven’t gotten back to you how much was this item"


So I respond with telling her the window passed, etc.


Anyway, my item is up for auction again and the same buyer wins, this time for $7.50.


My question, am I within my rights to ask the buyer for the original amount she won the item for in the first auction, $44?


I understand that had the buyer not won the second time, my item would have sold cheaply, but also from my view, the item wouldn't have had to go to auction a second time had the buyer done the right thing and paid in the first place. I wasn't even able to leave negative feedback saying this person doesn't pay for items.



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Buyer previously won item didn't pay within 8 days, so i re listed and they won again much cheaper

You can only leave positive feedback for buyers, so what would be the point? If you had left a false positive, the non-buyer could have had it removed. You couldn't leave feedback because ultimately no transaction occurred.


You should have blocked the buyer. You didn't and they were thus able to bid on the relist. If they won it for $7.50, that is the amount they owe. You can't legally (or morally) ask them for $44. That was a different, unpaid, transaction.

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Buyer previously won item didn't pay within 8 days, so i re listed and they won again much cheaper

@legend_killer_12 wrote:



My question, am I within my rights to ask the buyer for the original amount she won the item for in the first auction, $44?



Sorry, but no.


First contract is void via the UPI process, this is a new contract. I can understand the frustration, I wouldn't be happy with this turn of events either, but you can't ask for the original price. 


I personally block NPBs from buying again if they don't pay or respond to anything, so however this pans out I would block them now. (You can also only leave positive feedback for buyers, so I wouldn't bother with that). 

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Buyer previously won item didn't pay within 8 days, so i re listed and they won again much cheaper

It looks like you cancelled the sale, there is a neg feedback been left for you??


You can reply to that feedback stating the truth of the transaction/s and  why you cancelled, but this is up to you. It will appear on the buyers page, but not sure if they can have it removed if it is worded negatively.



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Buyer previously won item didn't pay within 8 days, so i re listed and they won again much cheaper

You could have added the buyer to your Blocked list which would have prevented all this.

I would have either relisted as at a higher auction start price, or with a BIN price that you really wanted.


BIN with Immediate payment set up is the fastest and best way to get exactly the prices you want without the hassles of non-paying buyers.

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Buyer previously won item didn't pay within 8 days, so i re listed and they won again much cheaper

That neg is for a different item not the one OP is referring too.

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