on 11-09-2012 12:06 AM
I posted a CD today, but because I live out of town, I allow 1-3 working days for items to be posted and is clearly stated in the listing
I had one email me tonight asking if their CD was sent as they said they paid a few days ago (They actually only paid saturday night by PayPal). Do they think all Australia Post outlets are open on Sundays? CD was posted at 9am this morning as soon their doors opened, I can't post it faster than that.
Maybe next time I will deliberately make them wait the 3 days before I post it
on 12-09-2012 09:55 PM
I apologise 3coopers,. while I saw the humour in your 'pro forma reply to the buyer' I just thought the opening statement was a little derogatory to buyers. I realise now you were 'having a lend' as was said in my day
Yes, it was a joke. That is why there was a "smilie" at the end of it. 🙂
on 13-09-2012 03:19 AM
your a classic coops. :^O