on โ04-03-2018 07:45 PM
Has anyone else had problems with the pop-up messages just before final confirmation submissions?
It's one of those disclaimer messages that pops up and overlays the screen, but it's long and doesn't fit onto the screen. The browser doesn't recognise it and doesn't allow you to scroll down the message, so you end up being stuck and can't do anything else. I've tried multiple devices, all using Chrome browser, all having the same issue. Luckily on the tablet I was able to rotate the screen in portrait view so I was able to reach the button at the bottom of the message.
on โ04-03-2018 09:21 PM
Final confirmation submissions of what?
I have listed several items today without any disclaimers.
However, try -
Another browser, or
Ctrl-Scroll wheel. This will resize the page. Shrinking it should get you the whole popup.