on 20-10-2014 01:08 PM
I am closing down my store and my listings at the end of this month. Could anyone please advise when the best time would be to close the store would further charges being added.
on 20-10-2014 01:30 PM
Sorry ... I meant without further charges being added
on 20-10-2014 01:32 PM
If you're currently invoiced mid month you've already paid the Store subscription for 16-Oct - 15-Nov. Whenever you cancel the subscription you will receive a pro-rata credit for any remaining days.
on 20-10-2014 01:39 PM
Thanks for that. I pay at the end of each month so that means if I cancel today I will given credit for the days remaining until the end of this month. Is that correct?
on 20-10-2014 01:52 PM
Yes. Have a look at your last invoice and it will show what date you have already paid your subscription up to.
Any auction listings will continue but I think any BIN listings will end as soon as you cancel the store. I close the store on this ID before each Christmas and end the BIN listings at the same time.
Also, if you have a SMP subscription. If you want it to continue it will cost $9.95 without a store, or you can change it to the free SM.