Catorgorie Listing violations items been listed for 10 years

Can anyone fill me in regards to Categories about where you place your products in?

I have been listing a produce we make and have been selling on Ebay now for over 10 years we list them in 2 Categories , both related to the items in question .

Vintage Valve Seat Cutters

When you google these they come up as restorers Tools for Vintage and Antique cars and Motor Bikes

When you use the same heading when you list these on Ebay they recommend you place these items under Vintage Cars and Parts , which where we had them placed along with old farm Engines which was under another category.

These items were removed today stating I was trying to manipulate the Ebay search system

And that the items were incorrectly listed in the wrong catorgories.

I feel a little confused what is the correct way to list items on Ebay, and wonder how you read what the decision makers thing.

With over 40 years specialising in the field, I believe I should have some knowledge of my products and the market I need to target.

Ebay have received $1000s of dollars over the years from sales fee’s of these items, never complained about that.


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Catorgorie Listing violations items been listed for 10 years

When you google these they come up as restorers Tools for Vintage and Antique cars and Motor Bikes


Vintage Cars and Parts


Obviously what you are listing are not vintage car parts and relyine on the ebay suggestions for catagories is unsafe, they work just like a search engine and if there isn't an exact match they will opt for one that satisfies the inclusion of the most words.


I would reply to the email asking which cat they should be listed in as you cannot find another one where you are likely to sell as many as you have done over the last 10 years when ebay haven't had a problem with where they were listed.


As you are a store with a reasonable annual turnover do you have an account manager, if you do contact them, if not then wait for a reply to your email and if it says nothing useful, which is likely, ring ebay up and keep doing so until you get a didinitive answer as to where you should be listing them and why you cannot do as you have been doing for 10 years.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
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Catorgorie Listing violations items been listed for 10 years

thank you for your reply I wonder where the desision makers on these catogories get there information from , how good are they to say I do not no how to parket a specilist produce, surlely common sence someone on Ebay must prevail


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