on 09-07-2012 06:51 PM
I haven't used C & S for a while and just logged in to prepare a parcel for postage and it's telling me: No record found.
Any ideas why it's not picking up my item?
on 09-07-2012 07:17 PM
Are you sure the item is showing as paid in ebay, if it is a bank deposit payment you have to mark it as paid and then wait a while for it to filter through to C&S.
I haven't used the site since the update but there used to be a refresh or similar buttonwhich usually worked.
Other than that I just copy and paste the details over from ebay (or Paypal if that is how they paid) and manually enter the tracking number once the parcel is on it's way.
on 09-07-2012 07:52 PM
It's being paid by Paypal,the $ sign is there and it shows in my account.
I normally post the following day and it should have been ready to go.
Tried to refresh it and lost connectivety.
Have Emailed them to see if there is an issue and hopefully I can get it working by tomorrow.
If not I'll try the manual way and inform the buyer why it took an extra day to post.
on 09-07-2012 07:53 PM
i sold something yesterday and when i went to click & send there was no record of the item ( the buyer paid by paypal) so i went and manually done the details, everything worked out normal
on 09-07-2012 08:04 PM
when you log into c&s click on create item and on the right hand side dont is collection point (dont click on that) and make sure you have minimize showing and you can manally do your item
on 10-07-2012 08:17 AM
When you select ebay items and that pops up select clear all, then once that's done select refresh list, 90% of the time this will work, if not copy n paste from the sales record.
Also I've found friday afternoons can be quite bad, sometimes it wont come up with any of my transactions no matter what I do.
on 10-07-2012 01:37 PM
Thanks all,:-D
It ended up telling me that there was no account with my Email address so I just opened another account.
Went through nice and quick.
So all fixed.
on 10-07-2012 01:54 PM
*stuff*books, if it happens again, try refreshing the link between C&S and your eBay ID.
Under Admin on the top menu select My Profile and click on Sign in with eBay.
on 10-07-2012 02:03 PM
Thats good that its worked out 🙂
Wish ebay glitches could be worked through to a resolution to 😐
on 10-07-2012 02:04 PM
to - too !!