on 10-10-2016 08:34 AM
Yesterday, I had a BIN sale of one of my items, but a couple of minutes later, a message from the buyer explaining that she had pushed the BIN button in error and could I cancel the purchase. I suspect that this was 'buyer's remorse', but that's neither here nor there.
All my sale items are listed for auction or BIN and in the past when someone has bid on an item in error and requested a cancellation its been quite straightforward. I simply submit a cancellation request and move on with the auction.
The difference here is that with a BIN sale, the item automatically moves into the 'Sold' section of the ebay selling page.
Anyway, I obliged and put in a cancellation request which the buyer naturally agreed to, expecting that the sale item would then be reinstated to my active selling list. Wrong !!
When I asked ebay to reinstate it, they explained that that was not possible and that I would manually have to relist. Yes they understood that I thought this was unfair but they could do nothing about it, as this was all 'system generated'. (The 'system' has a lot to answer for, it would seem !!)
Of course this meant that I not only had to use another one of my precious 40 free listings, but I lost the watchers I had previously had for the item.
When I had the temerity to suggest that if this was the case, the 'system' needed modifying and could they send my suggestion to the relevant dept, I received a 'rap across the knuckles'. The agent said: let me remind you, you are one of the lucky ebay sellers, receiving 40 free listings every month.
I accept that I am one of the 'lucky' sellers (although I really don't know what proportion of sellers receive the free listings) However, that doesn't make this situation right !
on 11-10-2016 09:29 AM
@digital*ghost wrote:..
It does grate when a buyer opts to fib, as with me it's completely unnecessary and a little insulting, but I'll just process the cancellation and be done with it in most cases (I would be more inclined to go the UPI route instead if the buyer is exhibiting other problematic behaviours, as most people are just happy and relieved and won't do anything else after the transaction is cancelled).
To be honest there are a lot of good reasons for someone not wanting to proceed with a transaction, and really often they are private reasons and non of my business.
It is human nature to try to present a good reason, so they make up a white lie, we all do it in everyday life rather telling everyone our life stories or wanting to sound rude..
So I dont care what the reasons are and having an easy change of mind return negates buyers thinking up "problems" which could then prompt them to use the faulty return excuse rather than "it makes my bum look big" reason.
Some transactions will inconvenience you, and cause even a loss, but that is all swings and roundabouts in the big picture. Keep things simple otherwise you only compound time and effort wasted. Cancel relist and forget about it
Often I have these easy cancellation buyers come back, they wont if you go the UPI. Immediate payment positively discourages combined purchases, and if they do it comes as seperate payments which complicates combined shipping. Its mainly used for multiple quantity listings so that stock is not left on hold unpaid for.
The vast majority of buyers pay straight away now, compared to the old days of bank deposit or even worse, money orders. In those "good old days' You would be waiting ages for payments to clear adding delays and increasing the odds of them ultimately falling through