on โ08-05-2015 09:40 PM
Has anyone actually bothered to respond to those dumb questionairres you get after wasting your time speaking on the phone to Ebay? We all know they never get read and any issues or complaints are never responded to or fixed. A seller on Ebay ranks just above the the stuff being pumped through our sewage pipes by their staff
on โ08-05-2015 10:06 PM
I don't waste my time, or money, ringing eBay.
on โ08-05-2015 10:32 PM
I've never had the need to ring them, but have had a few stupid surveys after sending an email. At first I just deleted them, but then I just rated them poorly on everything. When asked if I would recommend eBay to friends and family, absolutely NOT!
When the option came up to free text something, I just let them have it. Mostly about their incompetence, how I'm sick of getting replies spat straight out of a computer with some random name attached to it, who isn't even a real person. Basically fill the box with carp until I run out of characters. I know no-one probably reads them, but it gives me a change to have a vent.
I figure that they might read random ones and mine might be picked as one of the random ones.
on โ08-05-2015 10:38 PM
I have very seldom had any satisfaction from eBay contact.
I also believe they take absolutely no notice of us .... so why bother wasting our time on their surveys.
on โ09-05-2015 07:39 AM
I did one once but a guess I didn't respond correctly to the questions about policy changes (not worded as such), I have never had one since. I get those forum emails all the time but had never read one.
on โ09-05-2015 08:19 AM
on โ09-05-2015 08:29 AM
They probably don't read the returned results of the surveys anyway- like all communications that they get sent.
It's just more spam that I delete without looking at.
on โ09-05-2015 09:24 AM
@harley_babes_hoard wrote:
I get these surveys a bit. I have one now that I hadn't taken notice of and got a reminder yesterday to fill it out. I do as ILMS give them a defect for everything. I certainly answer no to recommending family or friends.
Like you harley, I always complete those surveys and score every category as low as possible and slag them off big-time, on the off-chance that somebody actually reads them or some PC bot compiles the results. It's just my way of doing to eBay what they've been doing to us for years now.
on โ09-05-2015 10:52 AM
I doubt the surveys have any effect but sometimes I like to fill out the emailed ones.
Basically I tell eBay I spend more time shopping elsewhere (especially for collectables) due to the GSP.
Not recommending them to others is fun too.
on โ09-05-2015 11:28 AM
I don't get them very often but I always fill them out.....it gives me great satisfaction to bag ebay whenever possible.