on 18-04-2016 09:19 AM
Hi everyone.
Do I really need to use the word Replacement.
This guy has not used the word replacement.
I want to put it in the descri[tion. This way when you are looking through my store you can see the rest of the description easier that come after the word 'Replacement'.
For example.
Replacement solenoid suit Delco Hitachi
Solenoid suit Delcho Hitachi
Delco Hitach Solenoid.
You can tell what it is by the pic, so no need to always state what it is first, ie. 'solenoid'
on 18-04-2016 09:22 AM
are you serious?
on 18-04-2016 09:46 AM
For new items the recommended way to do the title is:-
New Brand Name Item Title then any other keywords.
Titles don't have to be grammatically correct as they work on keywords.
ie New ACDelco Alternator 12V 100A Chrome Delco Remy Chevrolet Holden
19-04-2016 04:57 PM - edited 19-04-2016 04:58 PM
on 19-04-2016 05:48 PM
If your parts are not genuine manufacturer brand parts (eg Ford, Holden, Toyota etc) then you should not use those manufacturer brands as the first word in the title, this gives the impression that they are genuine parts and could cause issues with buyers. If they are aftermarket parts, or generic brands, you should use those brands at the start of the title, followed by the part name and then the make and model the part will fit. EG Ryco brand starter motor to fit Holden Monaro BF 1973-36 (and I made that example up).
on 19-04-2016 10:47 PM
@pennyforum14 wrote:If your parts are not genuine manufacturer brand parts (eg Ford, Holden, Toyota etc) then you should not use those manufacturer brands as the first word in the title, this gives the impression that they are genuine parts and could cause issues with buyers. If they are aftermarket parts, or generic brands, you should use those brands at the start of the title, followed by the part name and then the make and model the part will fit. EG Ryco brand starter motor to fit Holden Monaro BF 1973-36 (and I made that example up).
I don't think you can mention it in the title if it's not a genuine brand. I got caught like that a few years ago selling a no longer needed item. It was a non genuine part and I listed what vehicles it fitted. EBay shut the listing down for keyword spamming. I don't know how else I was meant to advertise it.
19-04-2016 10:49 PM - edited 19-04-2016 10:49 PM
Surely erg's (uncle's) customers will know what his stuff fits. They know what the item is without a description or measurements, after all.