on 16-04-2013 12:05 PM
Hi Guys,
Has anyone else been noticing glitches in the search engine not displaying their listings properly? It has only been happening on a couple of my listing and it's probably one of the listings with the most sales so it's killing me.
For example one of these listings i have is usually around about the 4th spot on the first page when i search a particular keyword, but there were a few days last week when i would search it and it was nowhere to be found on the first page. Now this was on the default search option so best match was already selected, however when i pulled the the drop down menu down and selected best match manually the page would refresh and listing was showing up where it was suppose to, search the keyword again in the search field and it would dissapear.
Now since Sunday night two of my most important listings are having this issue, these ones have been around 2nd and 3rd place in the search result for months now. And when i search for it it is nowhere on the first page. Now close the top 10 listings here are all completely Aussie listings, there is 1 hong kong listings amongst them but when i select "Australia Only" from the search criteria my listing shows up in the spot it should be. Now i know this is definitely a glitch and not just a drop in my listing because in this view my two listings are between two other sellers, now when i switch back to worldwide these two sellers still appear close to the top of the page and mine are nowhere in between them.
This is really frustrating and costing me a lot of progress in getting my listing to the top of the results, i usually sell around 5-8 between the two of these items a day and now since Sunday night i havn't had a single purchase as no one can freaking see them!! It's not even about the imediate loss of money that i am worried about it is the progress of getting it to the top of the search results that i am going to lose, it took months of sales to get it that high and now a few days of no sales will just kill this listing off.
I've contacted eBay via chat, phone, email telling them to sort this out but they are useless! Telling me it could take days before they sort the bug out but it is days i don't have!! Unless they want to compensate for the next few months of sales when my listing drops even further down because it is invisible on the search results.
Sorry for the rant guys, i guess im just hoping maybe someone from ebay will see this and get there act together (highly doubt it though)
Is anyone else experiencing this issue lately because i have no idea what to do
on 20-06-2013 12:04 PM
There can be search engine bugs regarding ebey on any computer with Internet Explorer 9 or earlier. I had a long conversation with their online help, and they recommend the search engine Firefox. I think that's rediculous. So many people use Internet Explorer.
on 20-06-2013 05:48 PM
There is a very serious situation emerging here which,if not rectified POST HASTE,will lead to a mass exodus of buyers & sellers alike....
In fact,it has already begun.
The same people that are causing this (I believe it to be 100% deliberate) are not allowing any other venues to start up on the internet so that gives you a clue as to what's going on here.
Brace yourselves for the destruction of any and all available venues
that will allow you to keep your heads above water financially.....take a look,you'll see what I mean-they are all either dead or dying.
Again,this IS deliberate!
on 20-06-2013 06:48 PM
What exactly do you mean emeraldtarpon ?
on 21-06-2013 12:18 AM
aussielle - sounds like just another 'dodge the real problem' excuse to me. I am using the latest version of firefox and have been experiencing this issue for over 2 months. I have also tested it in google chrome, safari and internet explorer and it's no different no matter what browser i try. It's definitely a server issue.
emerald - your comment is freaking me out a little :P, what exactly are you talking about?
on 23-06-2013 04:18 PM
Just had to contact ebay once again via live chat. Here is my transcript, as you can see it's almost impossible to get this issue fixed. I'll post the reply when i hear back... if i hear back.
Azabelle L - Thank you for contacting eBay Australia Live Chat! My name is Azabelle. How may I help you?
senicaustralia - Hi i have been experiencing an issue with some of my ebay listings not displaying correctly
senicaustralia - i have been having this issue for the last 2 months, and i have contacted ebay about 12 times now and keep getting the same response once it gets moved to the technical department
senicaustralia - its becoming a joke and im wondering if you could please help me
Azabelle L. - Hello, I'm sorry to hear that this wasn't sorted yet.
senicaustralia - im paying a monthly store subsription and i demand it be fixed as i am paying for a service!
Azabelle L. - Let me check your account and forme to do it, I need to verify your account first.
Azabelle L. - May i have your full name please?
senicaustralia - ok thanks
senicaustralia - ***** *****
Azabelle L. - Thanks ****.
Azabelle L. - By the way, can you please provide me the detail as what seems to be the problem with your listings?
senicaustralia - If you could please follows my examples to see what the issue is. Because it's very hard to explain and this is obviously the reason the technical department won't aknowledge it, they probably just think i rambling
senicaustralia - if you could please do a search for "n64 av"
Azabelle L.- Yes sure.
senicaustralia - now once your in there, it should show 108 results at the moment..
senicaustralia - if you could now change the results to display 200 listings per page, thats should bring the items down to a single page
senicaustralia - here you should see my two listings in position 4 and position 5
senicaustralia - now if you change the page view to 25 listings per page (or any other view that spans over more than a single page) then my listings now dissapear completely
Azabelle L. - Let me check on this.
Azabelle L. - Thanks for providing me the details.
senicaustralia - up until a few months ago my listings were around this position all the time, (they were a little higher actually, but now obviously because my listing is invisible my sales have dropped and so have my listings)
senicaustralia - every now and then the problem will fix itself and one of my listings will show up again in the correct spot, i think the problem is fixed and then a few days later it will disappear once again and my sales come to a complete stop once more.
Azabelle L. - I understand your point, no worries, here's what I can do, I will send a follow up report to our technical team so we can get an update regarding the previous reports made.
senicaustralia - This is about the 12th time customer support have passed this on to the technical team
senicaustralia - and every single time i hear back a couple of days later telling me there is no issue
Azabelle L. - I understand how you feel, but I apologise if this hasn't been resolved yet. As much as I want to fix this from my end, however I am limited on reviewing this issue from my end as this is only hanlded by our technical team.
senicaustralia - i have also even resorted into contacting my competitors, who have also experienced the issue. The av cable by **** in the second position was having the issue for a few weeks, and last night his listing is now fixed. I have posted on forums and others are having this issue and getting the same response
senicaustralia - the technical department are not acknowledging that there is an issue, they are just saying it is where our listings stand. But it's quite obviously a glitch.
Azabelle L.- Yes no worries, I'll send you an update as soon as I receive a result from our technical team.
senicaustralia - well i would like someone from the technical department to contact me over the phone, instead of receiving the same general automated response that i keep receiving
senicaustralia - im not getting anywhere with this
Azabelle L. - Our technical support team won't be able to make an outgoing call as they are from an offline department. We can only inform the members of the porblem has been sorted through their respond from the report we made.
senicaustralia - Well i guarantee you that i will be receiving another response yet again, claiming that there is no issue...
Azabelle L. - If this the case, then there's no error that we can get from our end and normally in this case the problem in the Search Results page can be an error from your end.
Azabelle L. - By the way, have you tried searhing your items using a different computer or different browser?
senicaustralia - Yes i have tried firefox, safari, chrome and internet explorer. And search it on a pc and mac and an ipad and all are doing the same thing
senicaustralia - and how do u mean it is an error on my end? did you replicate the issue when you searched for my item?
senicaustralia - and how is it that one of my competitors is having the same issue? and how is that hundreds of overs in the forums are experiencing the issue? and how is it that we can then be told that there is no issue?
senicaustralia - If i get another response from the technical department saying there is no issue then they are quite clearly lying or unable to replicate the issue because they arn't following my examples.
senicaustralia - Basically any search that brings back more than a single page of search results will then start having listings go missing.
senicaustralia - Only when you narrow the results now to a single page that the listing is then displayed correctly. It's quite obvious there are server issues, so i don't appreciate being told that there's no issue
Azabelle L. - Alright, since I can't confirm as what seems to be the problem on the Search Results page, what we can do is to just wait for the update from our technical team.
senicaustralia - How can you not confirm it? Did you follow my search example?
senicaustralia - How can i expect them to do anything if even you do not see the issue? It's not hard to see if you simply follow what im trying to explain
Azabelle L. - Yes, I did. However every search results shows different ranking of items.
senicaustralia - From what you are saying to me you clearly are not understanding what the issue is
senicaustralia - i know that different search results show different rankings
senicaustralia - but im giving an "example"
senicaustralia - could you please follow this again, because im 100% confident you will see what im trying to say
senicaustralia - are you ready?
Azabelle L.Yes, I will. We will be able to replicate what you got from your end.
senicaustralia - thank you
Azabelle L.- But the reason why we need to fowards this to our technical team is it's only them who has the ability to figure as what seems to be the problem and have the ability to fix the error.
senicaustralia - but at least if you can say to them that you are also replicating the issue then they will know that im not just some insane customer whinging about his listings dropping in the search results. I have studied computer science for the last 4 years and i know that this is a glitch on the server.
Azabelle L. - Actually from our end, we won't send a technical report of we can't replicate the problem or the error from our end.
Azabelle L. - We will only send a report if we can see the same error what you see from your end.
senicaustralia - So then you are saying that you are replicating the issue?
Azabelle L. - Yes, I did.
senicaustralia - So then how can you say that if the technical department do infact come back with the same thing saying that there is no issue, then that means it is just an issue on my end? When you have replicated the same issue on your end as well?
senicaustralia - look i know that im probably frustrating the life out of you, but im only doing this because i keep getting the same response and theres no way of me replying back to the technical department when i get the same response from them time and time again. So i have to end up coming back on here and re explaining the problem over and over again. It's just and endless cycle
Azabelle L. - I understand how you feel, ****.
Azabelle L. - I will do my best this time to get an update from our technical team.
senicaustralia - is there anyway you can say in your report for someone from the technical department to contact me via email so i can then reply to that person directly if they do end up giving me the same response?
senicaustralia - There has to be a human being in the technical department that has access to email.
Azabelle L. - Our technical team can't send an email from their end as this in an internal report only.
Azabelle L. - We can just relay your message to the technical department.
senicaustralia - So then what are my options if i receive another response from them saying that there is no issue?
senicaustralia - I have to go through this entire process again?
Azabelle L. - Let's just hope that our technical team can fix the error this time.
senicaustralia - Well i know that they won't because i have had every customer support agent replicate the problem and then send in the report, no different than what is happening now. and i guarantee you i will be getting another response saying there is no issue
senicaustralia - this is the 12th time i have gone through this, and about the 5th time i have been assured that the problem should get fixed this time. So what makes this time any different?
senicaustralia - i should be getting a reimbursement on my store fees as i have been having to cope with this for the last couple of months and losing business. I pay my fees every month on time. I pay ebay a store subscription and for what?
senicaustralia - hello?
Azabelle L. - Yes, I'm here.
Azabelle L. - Actually there's nothing that we can do at this point other than to wait for the technical team's reply regarding this report.
Azabelle L. - We won't be able to process a credit for subscription fees as well.
senicaustralia - ok well if you could put the report in that would be great. Are you able to contact me directly when we have an update?
senicaustralia - So i actually have someone to move forward with this problem, rather than having to deal with someone new each time and having to explain all over again?
Azabelle L. - No worries, I can send you an email as soon as I receive an update from our technical team.
Azabelle L. - Are we all set now?
senicaustralia - Yes thats fine. thank you for your time and im sorry if i was a pain the arse but im sure you know by now that ebays way of handling technical issues is very difficult
Azabelle L. - It's okay, I understand and I will feel the same way if I'm in your situation as well.
Azabelle L. - No worries, let's just hope that we will get an update from our technical team as soon as possible.
senicaustralia - thank you
senicaustralia - cya
Azabelle L.- You're welcome.
Azabelle L. - Have a nice day.
Azabelle L.- Thank you for choosing eBay.
on 23-06-2013 04:35 PM
YES. YES !!!!
I'm glad I am not the only one complaining
My sales have hit a brick wall !!!!
No enquiries, no messages, NO SALES, no nuthin !!
I have worked REALLY hard over the past couple of years to work myself to the top of the best match in my category..... and there I sat until sometime this week and now nowhere to be found.
Have been watching my view counter today and a total of 4 views since Friday have only been recorded on what is my top seller (total 9,513 views)
Hopefully one of the 192 watchers on this item will afford me a sale now and then, cos they will be the only ones who will be able to find it !!!
I hope these glitches and changes will not be permanent Ebay or I will be OUTA HERE.
on 23-06-2013 04:58 PM
Hi guys, just got a response from customer support, below is the message
This message is in regards to your report about issues with Best match. I have received a response from our technical team today and I was assured that nothings wrong with our system with regard to Best Match. For more information on how to improve your ranking in the search results, please read this article:
on 23-06-2013 05:02 PM
That's exactly what cut and paste crap i keep receiving. It's a joke. Im sure it is their generic response for when people are simply complaining about their listing rankings not being very good. But this is a completely different matter all together, and they aren't understanding it at all!
on 23-06-2013 05:21 PM
Hi "scenicaustralia'
I just rang the 'no' Help line about the best match fiasco.
I was told that Ebay have just introduced the new TOP RATED SELLER PLUS
and that I should sign up for it to get my listings to rise to the top again.
Also, that I should look at all the fabulous changes that will miraculously happen if I agree to all their criteria. (a five point plan, two of which do not suit my product)
To see this, click on SELLER CENTRE under Sell top right of your page.
What a laugh.
on 23-06-2013 05:26 PM
*facepalm* I hate ebay...