on โ04-10-2013 11:36 PM
on โ04-10-2013 11:51 PM
might be the friday night gremlins.
as a rule of thumb, ya really should try and avoid listing on a friday night cos eBay do their regular maintenance on a friday night and there are always gremlins jumping around while they do that.
on โ12-10-2013 07:35 PM
nope was not a friday.. tried again yesterday.. still doing it.. can only list on my old computer.. might have something to do with Windows 8 maybe.. is all I can figure out.
on โ12-10-2013 07:44 PM
I've been listing on W8 no problems here.
They say that Firefox is the most compatible browser for eBay, have you tried that?
but umm, yesterday was Friday.