Finally closed my eBay shop. Goodbye fees...

Community Member

Goodbye eBay fees, sure won`t be missing you, won`t be missing the sales either, doing well across the way on the tree hahahahahahaha

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Finally closed my eBay shop. Goodbye fees...

probably a very wise decision, Gumtree (another eBay owned company) is a good place to sell 2nd hand furniture and whitegoods.   hope you do well there.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
~~ ~~ ~~ Those who do right, have nothing to fear.
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Finally closed my eBay shop. Goodbye fees...

Community Member

Wow did`nt know eBay own it too. Far out. I guess its only a matter of time before it is fees fees fees over there too then ๐Ÿ˜ž

I really thought it was Oz Owned and I did pay the odd $5 upgrade here and there over the past weeks thinking that it was helping an Aussie owned business but, nope, money was going straight to swiss land pfft.

Message 3 of 9
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Finally closed my eBay shop. Goodbye fees...


over there,  your entire sellin' career won't revolve around worryin' about bloody feedback issues



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Finally closed my eBay shop. Goodbye fees...

businesses all over the world manage to survive and to prosper without the need of feedback

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Finally closed my eBay shop. Goodbye fees...

Community Member

good luck!!  i am going to go that way too!  only going to buy items on Ebay, as fees are just so outrageous when you sell, (or even if you don't!!!)

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Finally closed my eBay shop. Goodbye fees...


gumtree site's been sittin' there, on eBay's home page, for years.

didn't anybody ever wonder what the reason for that might be ...    hmmm  ?



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Finally closed my eBay shop. Goodbye fees...

Community Member

Yep, there it is alright. at the bottom of the home page under eBay companies along with PayPal and

what a shock that is.

We can now only wonder how long until they feel the need to incorporate fees into the tree as well.

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Finally closed my eBay shop. Goodbye fees...

Ebay has owned Gumtree for a very, very long time and has never charged fees and probably never will.

It isn't expensive to sell on ebay, it is expensive to keep listing and not sell anything unless you are using the 30 free listings a month.

With the cost of freight escalating at the speed of light it is going to get harder and harder to sell heavy stuff lie furniture anywhere but locally which is exactly what Gumtree is meant for.

My store, now in it's second month, is just starting to turn a profit and as long as it does that I will keep it open, if it starts making a loss I will change tack but I certainly won't give up selling altogether on ebay, I am making really good money on my other id where I auction second hand clothing!

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
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