on 17-06-2013 10:41 AM
Every month for the past 3 months, on this ID I’ve been offered 100 free listings. Today on our main selling account we have been offered 5000 free listings.
Has the penny finally dropped? Has eBay finally come to the realization that the only product it has to sell is advertising space and no matter how much space they have, it doesn’t generate revenue unless sellers actually use it to list items for sale, and for years now sellers have been voting with their feet and so have buyers.
But somehow I think it’s all too little too late.
on 17-06-2013 12:19 PM
another post says be careful - the catch is good till cancelled, but you must pay for the next month and then on
on 17-06-2013 05:11 PM
ohh no. .just what buyers don't need. shonky sellers now having 5000 free listings to FLOOD every catergory and then across the wrong catergory, with their overpriced junk.
A better idea would be a small insertion fee say $0.50 cents then be charged a % on the final sale or non-sale price.
Lets say 2% of the final sale price for an item that sells and 30% of the starting price for an item that doesn't sell.
Lets keep the sellers honest in their appraisal of an items worth when trying to sell on ebay.
on 17-06-2013 06:24 PM
another post says be careful - the catch is good till cancelled, but you must pay for the next month and then on
No...I accepted and it's for auctions & BINs across MOST categories
on 17-06-2013 10:12 PM
The catch is that existing listings rolling over don't attract the free listing. They have to be NEW listings, which will attract a fee in July.
on 18-06-2013 12:17 PM
on 18-06-2013 12:21 PM
well actually its NO BUYERS = NO EBAY
on 18-06-2013 09:21 PM
It goes both ways, doesn't it. I guess you would like to pay 30% of your UNSOLD items value?
Under your own rules, on a $320 item such as one you sold, you would be paying $6.40 if you sold it, however, if you did not sell it (and your starting price was, for example $200) you would have to pay $60, if your starting price was $320 you would be paying $96. T
Sorry, but that is just dumb, and I don't know why anyone would want rules like that.
Nothing wrong with free listings.
What is a big problem with eBay is making international items come up in a standard search, and allowing some sellers, ie chinese sellers listing thousands of identical low value items which crowd the searches and make it frustrating and boring for buyers on the Aussie market and distracts from local sellers items.
Give sellers a go. I am both a buyer and a seller, and not biased either way, I see it from both sides.
on 18-06-2013 09:37 PM
all the items i listed (years ago) all started at less than $20.00. Sellers need to put a realistic buying price on items, that is why there are so many sellers complaining about lack of sales. I am a buyer and my search has not changed one bit since these so-called changes came in. All i see is more and more sellers with overpriced items. If an unsold item fee was in place maybe then sellers would re-think there asking price.
on 18-06-2013 09:46 PM
Maybe you need to refine your search techniques - if items are listed for too high, use advanced search and set a $ limit to what you see.
There's loads of ways to refine searches and save them, so you can peruse at the click of a button.
"Over priced" is all in the eye of the buyer. What is over priced to you, may be a bargain to some one else.