on 07-07-2012 12:06 PM
This buyer is frustrating me major. They have stated that they walked into my bank & deposited money Monday & is simply is not in my account!
But this person is persistant! I can see clearly with my own eyes.she had already told me she had a 'receipt' & had been back to the bank etc & they confirmed payment entered! So that totally threw me. So I called her & asked her who she spoke to& the reference she left etc. This person was not very talkative on the phone & seemed to hesitate when asked these questions almost likely shed been put on the spot.
So I call the bank- No there is no person there by the name she gave me. The staff member also confirms with me that NO there is no payment entered.
Why does it have to be this hard for us Sellers. She is obviously lying. Arghhhh! I dont want to deal with this person any longer & her feedback is a shocker also! And is set to Private.
Oh dear.
on 07-07-2012 12:20 PM
Open NPB, they are obviously having a lend, so I would just go straight to dispute as soon as I could. Once it is over, paid or not, I would add this annoying one to your BBL
on 07-07-2012 12:34 PM
Open NPB, they are obviously having a lend, so I would just go straight to dispute as soon as I could. Once it is over, paid or not, I would add this annoying one to your BBL
No, not once this is over; I would be adding her to BBL right NOW, before she has a chance to bid more.
on 07-07-2012 05:31 PM
First things first.
(1) double check she has written down your correct banking details. 1 number out can throw it all in a spin for a week until it is bounced back into lala land for over the counter deposits. Your buyer needs to take her deposit stub back into the bank and have them confirm it has been correctly deposited. Make sure you resend her your banking details. Ask her to check and double check them please (be nice) 😉
( you might have to grin and bear it at this trying stage LOL)
(2) Add her NOW to your blocked bidders/buyers list.
(3) If she still claims she has paid, then open UID. She will have to prove she has paid in that case.
(4).. pour yourself a scotch and coke, hold the coke, and take a deep breath. 🙂
All the best.
on 07-07-2012 06:02 PM
So I call the bank- No there is no person there by the name she gave me. The staff member also confirms with me that NO there is no payment entered.
Did she say she went to your branch of the bank? Maybe she went to a different branch, that is why the person who she spoke to is not in the branch you go to.
It is easy to make a mistake and if the wrong account number actually exists, the payment will not bounce back. And it is not an easy process to retrieve it.
Tell her to send you scan of the receipt & if she does not, open NPB dispute, close it on 4th day. Recomend that she gets PP account,
on 07-07-2012 06:35 PM
whenever I have done an over-the-counter deposit for an eBay purchase I have always put the seller's account name on the deposit slip. The tellers have always checked that the name corresponds to the acct number. It would be a great coincidence if they got one number on the acct number wrong AND that wrong number acct had the same acct name.
As someone else advised, I would be asking for a photo of the deposit slip/receipt. If it is not forthcoming tell them "sorry, but until it is sent there is little I can do for you".
on 09-07-2012 06:43 PM
I could never understand why some buyers insist on only using PP..... Now I understand why.
on 09-07-2012 06:44 PM
buyers........Sellers I meant
on 10-07-2012 08:47 AM
Yes, patience is a virtue, and must be cultivated everyday lest it shrivels into a nasty attitude that will explode like super nova.
If only someone could make a de-numptying pill we could give to certain(read many) customers.
on 10-07-2012 09:24 AM
janeababe - FANTASTIC advice - especially the Scotch'n'Coke - although, that would have been my first step - then the 3rd and maybe the 4th as well :^O