on 16-08-2015 10:48 PM
I have been puzzled lately when I tried to revise or list an item,
on the last step to confirm submission, I was directed to a secret question page asking me what's the other ebay ID associated with this address or something like that.
I don't have such info and I never set up a secret question like this. I set up 3 secret question recently and none of them is of this topic.
Last time I contacted ebay and they were not able to help after some routine, useless communications.
I am stuck and also furious as why does ebay ask me a question which I have never set up and I have no way to know what answer they are looking for? is ebay now running by stupid and arrogant employees?
help please.... thanks
on 16-08-2015 11:01 PM
Do you have another ID registered to the same address?
Nothing wrong if you do but just tell ebay what it is.
on 16-08-2015 11:02 PM
on 17-08-2015 12:06 AM
on 17-08-2015 12:09 AM
on 17-08-2015 01:13 AM
That just might be your problem.....more than one account on the IP address but different street addresses.
A lot of what ebay does makes very little sense to the majority of members but unfortunately they have to power to suspend your account if they don't like your answers and appeals usually fall on deaf ears.
If you are unsure what they really want I would ring ebay and ask....if you ignore it you just may find your account suspended.
Get the phone number through Help and Contact at the bottom of the page.
on 17-08-2015 07:21 AM
I've had it come up a few times and just close the pop-up,(my accounts are set with the secret questions and my
main worry is that somewhere along the line added ones may override the old ones and confuse the whole
My other account has been updated with the secret questions,(so that way I can find out if there is a problem
in time as it's eBay "playing" again,which never seems to end well),
on 17-08-2015 08:57 AM
DO NOT FEAR - it's just that E-Bay has been fiddling again with this totally nonsensical result.
It happens when you're in the middle of trying to list new items or revise a listing - E-bay suddenly decides you're on a different computer/don't know who you are (!!) and blocks you from listing/revising......
It does not effect any other functions - only listing/revising (go figure)
After approx 20 minutes on the phone with E-Bay/Trust & Safety yesterday trying to explain what was actually going on (they have no idea) it was finally fixed, but by then I was so p.....d o.. wasting so much time that I didn't want to list anymore and watched t.v. instead, which was a good thing as later in the night there was a documentary on the Rolling Stones that was worthwhile watching and made me forget all this E-Bay stress and nonsense!!