on 17-03-2017 12:17 PM
I posted my item early in the morning which for those eho leave bidding to the last minute is not appealing. Does anyone know how to change the time settings?
on 17-03-2017 12:25 PM
auctions will start at the time you list them (so, if you write and post your listing at 7am, it will start at 7am) if you want to start them at a certain time,you need to click on the 'Scheduled start time' tab and select the time from the drop down box
on 17-03-2017 01:34 PM
If it has no bids then end your listing(it doesn't matter which reason you give) then go to your unsold items.
Select the listing and re-list it,(it will then come up in edit mode).
Under the description and price is the Duration when you can set the amount of days and :
Start my listings when I submit them