on โ30-05-2016 10:04 AM
I sell plants and they might be even too cheap - I basically charge the same than I do on markets. What do I do to encourage people to buy various plants at once - say 10 at the time or at least five? Until now I only sell one or two at the time? I cannot reduce my prices for multiple sales (or I would have to increase them first).
I offered 3 alpine strawberries for one postage, this did not work so far. I might do 6 herbs of your choice or similar.
on โ31-05-2016 05:25 PM
Thanks to all this ideas! Especially rosegarden - I did not know about the fees for multiple items - that is really a good hint. So I can easily afford to lose some on postage (it is quite difficult to estimate plants some are really heavier). I am working on my range of course, but some stuff I can't sell at the moment, it's winter they got dormant and of course everthing now waits until spring. The safe save thing yes... English as a second language.....I should write my descriptions in word.
Thank you for the hint with the wrong category, it is really fast. Ebay very often suggests the wrong category and it is easiely overlooked.
on โ31-05-2016 06:54 PM
@mountainherbs-123 wrote:Thanks to all this ideas! Especially rosegarden - I did not know about the fees for multiple items - that is really a good hint. So I can easily afford to lose some on postage (it is quite difficult to estimate plants some are really heavier). I am working on my range of course, but some stuff I can't sell at the moment, it's winter they got dormant and of course everthing now waits until spring. The safe save thing yes... English as a second language.....I should write my descriptions in word.
Thank you for the hint with the wrong category, it is really fast. Ebay very often suggests the wrong category and it is easiely overlooked.
When I said you'll save 74c in selling fees on postage if they buy two items instead of one, I meant if they wait for an invoice before they pay. If they pay before you send an invoice they'll pay two postage amounts and ebay will take the 74c from the second lot of postage that you need to refund. If you read some of the other threads currently running you'll see that you can actually contact ebay and get these fees back if you can give them the details that show you refunded the excess postage, but that's extra work for you. That was why I suggested you try listing combinations of different plants - so they can buy them all in one listing and only pay one lot of postage if they pay straight away.
I would have thought you'd be selling plants while they're dormant rather than waiting for spring. If you haven't got photos showing them as they look when they're not dormant, take a photo of them as they are now and then see if you can find a stock photo showing how they'll look later. I know I'd much prefer to buy things when they're dormant because they travel much better.