on โ05-04-2019 12:14 PM
on โ05-04-2019 02:15 PM
Use FIle Exchange. I believe TL can export your items into a csv file?
โ05-04-2019 02:25 PM - edited โ05-04-2019 02:25 PM
I don't know if you can still do it, but if you have Selling Manager Pro, Seller Hub has an Inventory. If you export from TL to that, that holds about 400 listings.
If you don't have SMP (which is free with a store), than as oz-e said. But I have no idea how to do it.
on โ05-04-2019 03:28 PM
@stephenpic wrote:Is turbolister still working and how do you transfer items to seller hub
Yes and No. You can no longer use it to upload items to eBay, however it still has your listings that you have previously made and you can still preview them, edit them etc, just not upload them.
As for transfering them to Seller Hub as stated use eBay File Exchange. Here are some brief instructions I wrote in an earlier topic.
File Exchange Instructions here
That will tell you what to put in each field.
With TurboLister Make a New item and fill in info you want to use. Important: Use a very small description eg "Test Item". also do the same in any other areas where you have lots of text eg "Additional Payment Inst", Return Policy"
Save and Export this Item using File Exchange Format (CSV File) and under Show Options select "All". Export
Open the exported file in Excel. It will have all the fields you need plus lots you don't. Reads the instructions for the mantory fields, the others can be removed.
You can now add your Actual Descriptions, Additional Payment Instructions,and Return Policy.
Important: Change the Fields Condition to ConditionID, Custom Label to CustomLabel (Check that you don't have 2 Custom Label columns)
Check that the UPC is not in sciencific notation eg 9300711E+12 instead of 930071264511 (The barcodes need to be formatted as Text rather than as a Number)
Save as .csv file and upload into File exchange
Use the above as the template for other items.
The above is pretty basic and I have probably missed some steps or issues, but I hope it gets you started.