on 08-12-2012 06:50 PM
I'm trying to upload images to the description page on each of my listings. Can you please advise what's the best way to do this.
Thank you 🙂
on 08-12-2012 08:29 PM
To have images in the description section of a listing, the easiest way is to upload them to an image hosting site (eg Photobucket, Image Shack etc), then copy / paste the HTML code when in the HTML tab of the listing form.
The best thing to do is have the photo the right size before uploading, and to create a marker in your template so you know where to paste the HTML code (something like a series of ! so you can easily pick it out from amongst the text).
Sites like Photobucket will have a direct link to the image as part of the code (so that people are taken to the image and account by clicking on it), but that's very easily removed if you'd rather not have it. There'll basically be two separate codes within ... the image won't be clickable.
Or, you can always just insert the HTML into your templates and copy / paste the direct links for individual photos/listings where the x's are.
I hope all that makes sense. :8}
on 08-12-2012 09:39 PM
You can go to my guide: http://reviews.ebay.com.au/How-to-post-free-pictures-on-eBay?ugid=10000000020709528
It will show you step by step on how to use Photobucket.
on 08-12-2012 09:41 PM
It's also easier if you download Turbo Lister,(it's an eBay listing tool).
This will also allow you to prepare your listings in advance and store them until you want to use them.
Go to the Site Map,(the link is at the bottom of the page).
Once there go to the:
Sell column.
It's the 6th one down in the Selling Tools column:
Selling Tools
eBay Solutions Directory
eBay Stores
Sales Reports
Selling Manager
Selling Manager Pro
Turbo Lister
Once you have downloaded it click on Tools and Install Complete Version Update,(before you do anything else).
As that will install all current updates.
Then go back to Tools and select Options.
Then Advanced Options and click on Program Updates.
This will then allow you to set it to do the updates when you log into TL.
This way it will be up to date and there will be no problems when you prepare a listing
If it's not updated first various things might have changed and it wont accept the listing when you go to load it to eBay
on 09-12-2012 07:12 AM
WOW!!!, thank you so....much for your help...digital*ghost & go-tazz, this will definitely keep me busy for awhile. I appreciate your help.
on 09-12-2012 08:47 PM
is there a way to use that with linex system ? i did try down loading it but my computer did not like it
on 10-12-2012 10:33 AM
If you are using the Linux operating system,Photobucket does not support it.
That's why your computer wouldn't accept it,
on 15-12-2012 09:52 PM
cool thanks
i will just do it via the phone then i know that works fine via that
on 16-12-2012 09:53 PM
hi, when i used photobucket which is also a good site to edit your pics before adding to a listing as some arent the right colour etc
i just uploaded my pics to my photobucket or snapfish page & then when i was doing the description just copied the photo from the photobucket page onto the description section. the photo location is part of its properties so it doesnt need to be added using html.
mine all came out fine as far as i know.
i have the photobucket page open click on the photo there to have the enlarged version , right click select copy then paste to the descr part of the listing page also open.
try it. cheers 🙂
on 16-12-2012 09:54 PM
btw silly question i suppose but you do know you get 10 free from ebay now? cheers