on 01-02-2014 12:22 PM
I have been searching on eBay on how to set up Return Policy but no luck. I have done it before but cannot remember how.. I wish to set up 30 Days Money Back Refund for new listings.. I am using Selling Manager Pro Thanks In Advance
on 01-02-2014 01:55 PM
If you don't have the Business Policies enabled on your account, where you can create and save different policies etc, the only way I know how to create a new policy for future listings is to create a new listing and adjust the policy in that one, then future listings will have that set as the default policy. If you use Turbo Lister, you could also create a new template (or edit existing ones) with the new policy.
You can also change the existing returns policy on current listings in bulk via Selling Manager, but AFAIK there's no global policy setting unless the Business Policies option has been implemented on your account.