on 22-06-2013 11:24 AM
I have some items I want to send by registered post.
The items with packaging is about 8mm thick, so I cannot not send them as a registered letter (must be 5mm or less for that). So I decided I would put the contents in a 16cm X 23cm envelope and send it as a registered parcel.
Off I go to Click, click, click, click, click, click, click and Send (surely one of the slowest, clunkiest sites in the entire universe) and enter the package dimensions 23 x 16 x 0.8 and am promptly told that the minimum thickness for a parcel is 5cm.
So I cannot send these items as a letter because they're more than 5mm thick and cannot send them as a parcel because they're less than 50mm thick. What am I supposed to do, stuff bubble wrap in the envelope to pad it out to 5cm? Also this 3mm excess in thickness will mean postage will go from $3.50 to $11.00+ , a huge jump in cost for a negligible increase in volume.
I suppose I could split the items and send them as two registered letters. That would make it less expensive for me and create more work for Australia Post, instead of getting one letter that is 8mm thick they will get two letters with a combined thickness of 10mm. But I don't want to do that every time this problem occurs.
Has anyone else encountered this problem or got a solution?
Thank you.
on 23-06-2013 08:53 PM
I just do a postcode search to get the real suburb, not the one the buyer thinks they live in. Only takes a few seconds.