on 23-03-2016 03:53 PM
Hi All I just checked my sold items and 1 buyer has checked out. But I noticed he has edited the Invoice or dir he/she, Here is a screenshot of the checkout.
The part at the bottem Buyer Edited Total is confusing! Has he tried to edit it and how? Item has not been paid and invoice seems to be the same as was sent. Just Really Curious
on 23-03-2016 04:56 PM
Sellers used to be able to allow buyers to add postage etc but I have no idea if it can still be done....it was a very long time ago that I was able to do it or even needed to.
Has that invoice been altered in any way? If not, I would not worry about it.
on 23-03-2016 04:59 PM
Did you have multiple postage choices and they simply ticked the box for the one they wanted? That would probably show as buyer altered.
on 23-03-2016 06:05 PM
Hi All
The only option I have for Postage on this item is Standard Delivery as my items are low priced and any other option would not be worth my time. The invoice has not been paid which I am not worried about as after 4 Day I will open a Payment Not Received. The point I am trying to say. Can a buyer Edit the Invoice? In my case it is low value but say in a case of $100's or even $1000's where would you stand with eBay?
on 23-03-2016 06:14 PM
It is my understanding (I am a buyer only) that the seller has to allow the buyer to alter the invoice.
As I said, it is a long time since I did it.
on 23-03-2016 06:38 PM
on 23-03-2016 06:53 PM
Or the buyer used the infamous Recalculate button which took it back to the original invoice.
on 23-03-2016 07:11 PM
There did used to be an option to allow buyers to edit invoices at checkout, which was found in the site preferences, but it's been ages since that disappeared (I couldn't tell you exactly when, I spotted it early on in my selling career, promptly made sure it was disabled, and never gave it another thought).
But, there does often seem to be glitches resulting from "leftovers" on ebay, old site tools and options messing with site functions, and there's a few known glitches with invoicing at the moment. Some other sites might even still have this feature available.