June Sales


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June Sales

61....this has been the best month ever! It is so bizarre!

Message 41 of 117
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June Sales

I've posted out 87 so having a great month.

Message 42 of 117
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June Sales

Community Member

0 so far

Message 43 of 117
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June Sales

I have just sold enough to pay last months fees. When my current listings end I am closing my account. Ebay gain more than I do and do not have to deal with buyers.

I am also over trying to sell quality goods for almost nothing.

Message 44 of 117
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June Sales


โ€œBe careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.โ€
โ€• Mark Twain
Message 45 of 117
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June Sales



There's a pattern appearing that seems to demonstrate a direct relationship between having to have a vast number of listings to register a number of sales that appear semi-decent. But looks can be deceptive.


If you have a dozen listings, you probably get 0 to 2 sales by the end of the month. Before the changes I used to average around 6 sales per month for 8 to 10 listings.

If you have around 100 listings, you may be now getting a handful of sales.

If you have hundreds of listings, you may be now getting a couple of dozen sales.

If you have thousands of listings, you may be now getting around 50 or more sales.


In marketing circles, anyone selling a thousand of anything will, by the laws of averages, sell about 2% straightaway (e.g. phone 1000 people and you will most likely make 20 sales). Nothing special has to be done except try and direct your marketing at potential customers. Back in the 'good-old-days', Australia Post used to say, send out 1000 brochures using a list of potential customers and you should get about 3 to 4% return business immediately. It still astounds me how anyone can list a few thousand items under a single name on eBay, where the vast majority of the listings attract a listing fee, can survive any length of time with only 50 to 100 or so sales. Small shops need this on a daily basis let alone over 10 to 30 days! Some may argue the sale rates appear similar, however, the costs are vastly different! Where brochures are posted out, the cost of the marketing is considerably lower per sale unit. However, via that marketing approach, and by TARGETING YOUR KEY MARKET sending out let's say 1000 brochures, you should double the response rate thereby making around 50 IMMEDIATE sales for the cost of around $100 (cost of brochures, envelopes and stamps). Join in shared mailing and you can greatly reduce that cost. That means about .10c marketing cost per targeted potential customer. Compare that to eBay and possible Paypal in the mix, and you're most likely paying more than 30 times that on low cost goods, 150 times that on sold items around $100 and so forth. This is where sellers are being gouged.


So, the upshot of this is, something is seriously wrong at the moment for sellers on eBay. Given eBay's enormous reach, the consequential potential exposure and the increasing popularity of online sales, the ability to attract a vast number of targeted customers when customers use the search facility, the results and costs should be much better for sellers than what is currently happening. I can only surmise that eBay's May 1 changes this year have had a dramatically detrimental effect on Australian sellers. Possible defects on eBay's current part could be a failure of the search facility to provide a balance potential customer match (eBay is not properly targeting potential customers to our benefit like it used to), sabotage when competing items suddenly appear on our listing pages, a flood of overseas listings giving an unfair advantage (e,g, vastly cheaper postage costs for Chinese imports), an unbalanced fee take, compounding fees, a site which has become too expensive, a site which is no longer attractive to potential buyers?

Message 46 of 117
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June Sales

I am only a hobby  Seller so my opinion may not count for much but I am very happy so far this month however last month was a bit ordinary for me. ( lots of lookers but only 2 sales)


I have just kept playing around with my listings tweaking them, changing price points, experimenting with auction Vs BIN to see what works best for me. Trying different titles and gallery pics. Its been a lot of fun so far.




Message 47 of 117
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June Sales

I am only a hobby  Seller so my opinion may not count for much but I am very happy so far this month however last month was a bit ordinary for me. ( lots of lookers but only 2 sales)




retailtherapist, don't write yourself off as only a hobby seller"that is what ALOT of us on here are so your opinion is more than worth a bit.


What you are doing is exactly what people should be doing. Tweaking listings until they find what works for them. Looking through this thread we have a sellers saying that they are having a fantastic month so far and others saying not so good. Some are also saying last month was great for them were as for me personally it was quite the opposite.


People are quick to jump and blame EBAY for a downturn in sales, yet if they looked at the broader picture alot of B&M stores are struggling in just the same way that EBAY sellers are. It is the current economic climate. Yes EBAY has just changed their fee structure and it is hurting people, but B&M stores often have rent increases, electricity increases, general increases in their overheads too. I remember a few years back when I had a food store in a shopping centre the management there wanted to increase my rent by 50% PLUS have us do a new total fit out every 5 years on the store.

Message 48 of 117
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June Sales

72  for the first week of June,   much better than this time last year,  but I have been constantly building up my listings.   Much more to come in the next month or so.  


You really do need to expand nowadays to survive here.    Mind you, I was making this much 5 years ago on only 100 listings but paying twice as much in fees as I do now, so I can't complain.    Should be up to over 1,000 listings soon. 

Message 49 of 117
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June Sales

34 on this ID (one being the wild card $372 vase) and 28 on my book ID.

Still 0 on QS so l might just do that one in.

Message 50 of 117
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