Listing Analytics : Sell though



What do sellers consider a good sell though percentage?

I figure mine is about 10-20% for most listings with mainly single orders taken into account (ie. not listings with 10 clicks and 1 person orders 10 giving 100%) 


Cheers, Dylan

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Listing Analytics : Sell though

that should be through also : my rrrrr button is not working

Message 2 of 9
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Listing Analytics : Sell though

This is only my opinion - but if you have a sell through of less than 35% - 40% it most likely is not worth it, and I am speaking as a 'store operator' - average I would think s/be 37% - freight factored

don't take life too's not permanent
Message 3 of 9
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Listing Analytics : Sell though

This is only my opinion - but if you have a sell through of less than 35% - 40% it most likely is not worth it, and I am speaking as a 'store operator' - average I would think s/be 37% - freight factored


Just looking at the data in selling manager pro one of my higher selling listings that has been active for about 1 year (all my listings are multi quantity) I have had 1100 clicks and 100 sales which is about 10% sell through, most of my listings have similar rates.


Maybe it's just the products I am selling that gives such a low sell through which is only low cost items.


It is worth it but maybe I should jazz my listings up a little to increase the rate of sale. Although some listings sell well with basically no info at all and a one line description.


What do you mean by  "freight factored" ?

Message 4 of 9
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Listing Analytics : Sell though

lol, most of my listings show a 0.00% sell through rate.


The highest I have is 33% and some that are around 15%.

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Message 5 of 9
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Listing Analytics : Sell though

Dylan, have you compared your sell through rate to the top 5 for keywords used?


I have been looking at my stuff and depending what keywords (the brand) I use, the top 5 results can have sell through rates as low as less than 1%. The sell through rate for the top 5 results in my most popular brand is only 4.35%

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Message 6 of 9
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Listing Analytics : Sell though

Dylan, have you compared your sell through rate to the top 5 for keywords used?


No, how do I do that if you don't mind letting me know ?



Message 7 of 9
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Listing Analytics : Sell though

When you enter Listing Analytics, put in a keword/words from some of your listings, for example "Quartz Crystal Oscillator", and then press search.


You will get a list of results from your own listings and above them will be a table of the top 5 results based on the keyword/words.


If your listings are in the top 5, you wont get that data, but if you are in the top 5 you are doing well anyway.


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Listing Analytics : Sell though



It came up saying there was some in the top 5 and no data was there at all, so I guess that is a good thing.

Message 9 of 9
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