on โ07-08-2014 12:17 PM
I have 2 listings ending tonight.1 has 1 bid with 23 watchers.The other has 11 watchers and no bids.Under 10 hours to go.This doesnt seem like its going to sell.Is it worth removing listing at this point?
on โ07-08-2014 12:23 PM
I wouldn't, because a lot of people bid in the last few seconds. If you ticked the automatically relist 3 times for free when you created the listing, they will relist for free if they don't sell. If you end the listing, you lose those free relists, then either have to use up another of your free monthly quota, or pay to relist it if you have already used up your freebies.
on โ07-08-2014 07:42 PM
I wouldn't end them, the one with a bid is going to sell and there could well be last minute bids on the others, that is when most people bid.
You should go in and revise any other listings where you have COD as a payment method (I only looked at the first one) as that means cash on delivery and not cash on collection. Somebody may win, select that as the payment method and them quite legitimately wait for it to be delivered before they pay.
on โ07-08-2014 08:14 PM
I'd definitely be doing what PJ said and remove the COD option. If someone does select that option, it will cost you a small fortune to have it delivered.
Looks like you've got a bidder on your other item ending tonight, fantastic!!
on โ08-08-2014 05:13 PM
on โ08-08-2014 06:16 PM
C.O.D, Cash on Delivery. Not, cash on pick up. Entirely different. There are fees attached to C.O.D, whereas there are none attached to cash on pick up.
If it's done through Aust Post, it can work out to be quite costly, especially if the item is large, as postage costs are still involved. http://auspost.com.au/money-insurance/cash-on-delivery.html
on โ08-08-2014 06:24 PM
Sorry, I misread your comment, disregard what I said!!
However, some people add that option thinking it's cash on pick up, so while my last message isn't relevant to your comment, it might clear it up for someone who isn't sure. It could mean a negative for a seller if a buyer gets to the PO or collection point and discovers they have a cost of a few hundred $$ to pay for delivery of their item that they weren't told about, when they could have driven a few KM and picked it up for the cost of petrol.