on โ03-12-2012 01:48 PM
Could somebody please tell me if it's acceptable for 3 people to use the same ebay account, under the same name? I have an email from a seller who freely admits that 2 other people also use his account to sell other stuff. Surely this is against ebay policies? Open to fraud. This allows one person to perhaps sell off the back of someone else's excellent feedback rating, which is what I believe to be happening here.
on โ03-12-2012 01:55 PM
In the end it is the account holder (ie the one whose name is registered to the account) that is responsible for anything that is related to that account and they are allowing others to use it at their risk.
on โ03-12-2012 02:33 PM
user agreement that's operational until the 12th december
1. membership eligibility; paragraph 3
Your membership is not transferable. Your eBay account (including feedback and associated member UserID) may not be dealt with in any way. In particular, you must not allow others to use them and must not transfer or sell them to another party. While you are a member you must maintain control of your account. You are responsible for what occurs on that account and must report any unauthorised use of your account or UserID to us.
your user agreement after 12th december
3. using ebay; point 10
while using ebay services, you will not:
. transfer your eBay account (including feedback) and User ID to another party without our consent;
on โ03-12-2012 03:52 PM
i thought you were allowerd to havea seller id and a buyer one
on โ03-12-2012 03:57 PM
i thought you were allowed to have a seller id and a buyer one
yes you can have an id for both selling and buying but not to share it with someone else
on โ03-12-2012 04:03 PM
one person can have three accounts . . . . BUT . . . . three people are not supposed to use the one account.
I sometimes use my wife's eBay ID to sell items and have never given it a second thought. I used her ID to buy things when she first joined so that she could get a boost to her feedback. Only trouble I have ever had is getting her to part with the funds that get deposited into her PayPal account!
on โ03-12-2012 05:22 PM
With more business accounts now on eBay it's not surprising that the user agreement is changing in this regard. Business operators can and do require their accounts to be operated by more than one person.
on โ03-12-2012 05:51 PM
This allows one person to perhaps sell off the back of someone else's excellent feedback rating, which is what I believe to be happening here.
If that is what is happening then it is the owner of the ID who will end up with the mess. However, are you talking about a person who allowed his friend or family member to use their ID, or are we talking about scammers hijacking account?