on โ26-11-2012 12:36 PM
I have a buyer who bought a cot (obviously pick up only) then immediately asked if I knew anyone who lived near her that I could get to collect it for her. I said no, so she made arrangements for her daughter to collect. She then changed days, times, even wanting it left at a servo. Anyway it has been paid for via paypal is hoping to get down here in the next few months???? She even sent me brochures about her town hoping I would travel the 3-4 hours and deliver it!
Sorry for the rant. Can I offer a mutual cancellation to be rid of her and just refund after she agrees? I can't see how to do this as she has paid.
on โ26-11-2012 12:41 PM
JMO but I'd PHONE her to ask,not just send her a message.
Sorry but if I were you,I'd be PMSL at her sending you tourist brochures in the hope you'd visit her town-maybe she owns a local business there & needs customers :^O:^O:^O
on โ26-11-2012 01:08 PM
In future stipulate in your listing date by which it needs to be collected. As it is, send her one more message saying: "i am sorry but the cot is in my way, please collect it within a week = by 3rdDecember 2012. Failing that I will refund your payment " If she does not collect it, refund and tell her you are sending her mutual cancellation to finalise the transaction. And do not forget to put her on your BBL ๐
on โ26-11-2012 01:17 PM
I would be giving a pick up by date and if it is not picked up by then you will refund the money less $? per day for storage fees.
This might prompt them into picking up faster and if not then refund less the stated daily storage fee.
on โ26-11-2012 01:34 PM
Thanks guys. Do I have to refund before the cancellation? I don't want to profit from her but I also don't want to risk any feedback issues? She has been very civil (although strange) so far so I think she will agree.
on โ26-11-2012 01:37 PM
Have you sent her a message and asked if she will agree to a mutual cancellation?
If not do that first and wait for her reply.
If she says yes via ebay messages then send it and if she declines it once sent call ebay and ask then to view the message where she agreed to cancel.
You can refund her now if you want to.
on โ26-11-2012 01:46 PM
You will have to refund before sending the mutual cancellation....ebay tells buyers not to agree until the refund is received.
And you can still get bad feedback if the buyer feels like it.:-(