on 23-07-2013 02:56 PM
I run two accounts on Ebay... I have no problems with buyers and my business acct but selling through my personal account seems to open a whole can of worms!
I've sold some clothes... they buyer wanted to pay in a weeks time and I said very nicely through an email that payment was due within 3 days and I would give them another 2 days to pay. (too many people aren't paying me at the moment). Wished them a nice day etc...
Anyhoo.. payment came through today - I left positive feeback... then she wrote "I am appalled at how rude this seller is. Never again."
I don't really want to send the item as I'm sure she is going to complain about something... can I just refund the item through paypal straight away and block her and be done with it?
on 24-07-2013 11:58 PM
Do you think you have less sales as a result of offering Immediate payment only, this is something I have considered changing to as too many non-payers
on 25-07-2013 12:00 AM
If a buyer has not paid yet any feedback they leave can be removed by Ebay. You just have to 'Report buyer' and Ebay remove any FB they have left automatically
on 25-07-2013 12:08 AM
@briaftrisam wrote:Well, good on you! But, suprise, suprise - this is not about you and this is not about me.
Just like the negative feedback given for no reason at all.
I'm sure that everything will go just Jim Dandy for you as far as eBay selling is concerned
and if it does't, well that is OK too, as I'm certain that the buyer will have a very legitamete reason for leaving you
a neg comment and they are sure to get eBays full support on it and you will be cool with that.
So everyone wins in the end!
True - it is about what eBay allow, and they allow a buyer 8 days to pay.
My selling is and has been for several years going quite well, thank you. And if and when I ever get a neg I will decide then whether that's fine. But you will never see me whinging about it on the boards.
on 25-07-2013 10:58 AM
Not true - If eBay allows 8 days for payment the unpaid item strike could not be activated for 8 days.
Ebay unpaid item strike can be activated after 3 days days.
Did you even read what the OP said before accusing her of antagonising + whining?
Let me remind you she said she put in her description: Payment within 3 days"
eBay encourages buyers to read the description as it gives you more information about the item it self.
Did you even bother to look at her immaculate feedback and the buyers "whining" feedback?
I suppose you also agree with neg feedback?
on 25-07-2013 05:13 PM
eBay mandate FOUR days before an unpaid item case can be opened, then another FOUR before it can be closed. Payment within the latter period automatically closes the case.
Site map, down the bottom of every page. A mine of information.
I have never left negative feedback, but I don't buy from people who have unrealistic T&Cs. Even though I pay immediately.
on 25-07-2013 06:50 PM
Hi no - one,
What an unfortunate customer you have had!
We had recently an incredibly rude client also, they told us (rather than ask) the day they will pay.
We didn't like their approach one little bit - and told them no, they have to pay within 4 days.
They said, NO, Ebay gives us 8 days to pay, and we were going to pay in 12 so what are you on about?
On about????
That was it for us - we told her when Ebay sells them something they can give them any time they like to pay, but right now they are dealing with us and we want the payment in 4 days.
In reality we couldn't have cared less if she took a month to pay as long as she asked in advance, as being suddenly in a dire situation is not a crime, it can happen to any of us - but being rude and assuming it's one's God given right to take their time is.
She didn't pay, after 4 days we have relisted it. Rang Ebay, made a complaint about the conduct of the buyer - and that was the end of the matter.
I don't really know why Ebay allows all that time to pay (we don't care as we are never in a hurry for payments), but no other normal auction houses nor any stores nor anyone really lets people pay days later.
I don't know how anyone who depends on Ebay sales for a living goes with these extended times for payments.
If it was me instead of you - I wouldn't send them anything at all - tell them you are terminating any dealings and communication with them , and still get the neg removed.
Good luck for the future Ebaying!
on 25-07-2013 08:00 PM
My talk about myself was in answer to your question.... Asking me my opinion, which necessitates talking about myself.
Which makes no difference to the facts I have stated and which you choose to ignore by attacking me instead.
on 26-07-2013 06:33 AM
You have found another friend dave LOL
davewill is correct - 8 days for payment as mandated by eBay - argue all you want, aint going to make it 3 days !
on 26-07-2013 07:12 AM
Immediate payment is sometimes required by sellers to make sure an item is paid for before they post it.
Pay for the item before you win it.
Does immediate = four days ??? and then another four???? mandate??? furphy..... ebays own immediate payment option proves that their is no mandated payment timeframe
When you agree to ebays terms and conditions in their user agreement this one states the exact opposite of what has been written above and I would think any ebay enforced minimum payment period would constitute 'involvement"
We are not involved in the actual transaction between buyers and sellers. We have no control over and do not guarantee the quality, safety or legality of items advertised, the truth or accuracy of users’ content or listings, the ability of sellers to sell items, the ability of buyers to pay for items, or that a buyer or seller will actually complete a transaction or return an item. You should consider and use all of our suggested safe trading guidelines when trading online, including our safe trading overview
If the unpaid item dispute ssystem was considered in any way a minimum payment time "mandate" then sellers would be "mandated" to open NPB disputes
... Are sellers mandated to open NPB disputes or... ARE THEY encouraged to open NPB disputes??
Do buyers have A mandate to pay within 4 days or ARE THEY encouraged to pay within 4 days??
You do not need to even use ebay device that requires immediate payment you can just include a disclaimer in your
terms and conditions and refund any payment that you do not consider "immediate"and use your terms and conditions
in defence of any seller performance complaints and to remove retalitory feedback because the buyer did not meet the terms and conditions that the seller placed on that item
on 26-07-2013 10:11 AM
Personally, I would've happily given the buyer the extension they asked for. Always better to get paid late, by a happy, grateful buyer, than never. I've been asked for an extension on several occasions (hard times, people) and it's usually been an opportunity to establish a good relationship with the buyer. If they bother contacting you to ask for more time, then clearly they want the item and have no intention of doing a runner. It's already hard enough for the average person to effectively beg for more time to pay; we can probably afford to give them a little leeway.
Anyway, just my opinion. Feel free to yell and scream at me, too 😉