on 10-11-2012 06:52 PM
Each time I list, down the bottom of the page it says I have reached the limit of saved templates or something like that.
Sooooo my question is how the heck do I find these saved templates?
And what can I do with them if and when I do find them?
on 10-11-2012 07:51 PM
Click 'Start Selling Now' under the Sell menu at the top of the page, at the bottom of the next screen (where it says 'Sell with a template) will be two links - click Manage Templates and it will bring up your saved templates as a list with the option to select and delete them (individually).
on 10-11-2012 07:52 PM
on 10-11-2012 08:15 PM
well that was easy!
and in the one place i never thought of looking:8}
Thank you both