on 18-06-2015 02:39 PM
I know this is a 'NO NO' but ...... thank you to the people who put up these warnings.
I had a bid on an item today and noticed that the feedback score had gone from 2 up to 10 since yesterday, which caused me to have a look at the feedback ..... All feedback was to the effect that buyer did not pay or contact .... every single one. I find this really helpful, as I'm sure a lot of sellers do not open and close cases (which I always do)
I have rung eBay .... they were very grateful for the call and thanked me for reporting the member. I was also advised to cancel her bid and block her, which I have already done.
I don't know why people decide to have a 'splurge' and buy heaps, then disappear ..... At least this one had only purchased one item .... unlike a couple of years ago, I had an incident where the buyer bought half of my stock and didn't pay !!!!
on 18-06-2015 05:12 PM
on 18-06-2015 06:43 PM
I think I may have been caught by this buyer as well.
When they purchased they had 2 feedbacks, now 11 and I have just looked at their feedback too. And completely positive with negative comments.
I am just waiting to close my "none payment" dispute.
I might add here that sometimes when a non-payer buys something, it often follows by spam / phishing emails and I have had several since this buyer purchased.
on 18-06-2015 06:45 PM
on 18-06-2015 10:23 PM
on 18-06-2015 11:11 PM
Well, she's certainly getting around. Starts with b ..... has by and 69 in it, and ends with 52. And buys baby clothes.
Why is it? Maybe there's a sad reason behind it when baby clothes are involved ? ... I really don't know.
I hope CS follow up as they promised.
on 19-06-2015 06:30 AM
yes dotm2004,
Mine is baby book and exactly the same id.
I'll be closing my non payment today, and possibly then there will be another reason CS will delete them from purchasing.
on 19-06-2015 02:57 PM
OMG .... just had a look ..... her feedback score is now up to 19 with same comments again. Goodness knows how many haven't even put any up.
Be warned baby item sellers ..... if you see her name on any of your bids, cancel the bid straight away. If it's too late and she buys something,, make sure you open a case.