Postage Delays

I think with postage delays as they are Ebay should at least announce buyers to be patient waiting for items..Buyers go by the Auspost times which we all know can be outrages at the best of times ..standard 2-6 days..Ive had customers getting their items 5 to 10 days late..Some buyers are oblivious to whats going on around them ATM and I'm tired of recieving emails saying why hasn't my items arrived only after 1 day over due the Aus post recommended delivery times which is no fault of mine but it always seems the case the seller cops the blame

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Postage Delays

A buyer in Canada just contacted me today to let me know the CD I mailed him has arrived. It's so loong ago he can't leave feedback on it. About ten weeks. It was the last thing I mailed os before shutting that down.


I have a parcel I bought from the US in March (non-ebay) that has been sitting at the airport in the US now since April 10th.

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Postage Delays

Yesterday (Wednesday) I received an item which I'd ordered through another platform.


I knew there would be a postage delay, and I wasn't in a huge hurry. It actually arrived more quickly than I had expected.


However, the tracking information was puzzling. I received an email letting me know that the item was going to be delivered on the day before (Tuesday). When I clicked onto the tracking information later that day, it said that the item was undeliverable and that I should contact the courier for updated information. The courier, by the way, was Fastway.


I was all set to phone yesterday pointing out that the address here is not hard to find, that there's nothing here to bar delivery (no piranha, no guard platypodes / platypuses with envenomed spar at full mast, no rock-strewn hazardous path leading to a frazzled rope bridge over a shivering chasm up a precipice until the front door is gained), and - in short - deliver my parcel! But then I saw that the status had changed again, and that the parcel was apparently on board with the driver and would arrive here before 8 pm.


It did. All is well. I can cancel the contract with the platypodes.


Platypus in the water

Message 42 of 43
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Postage Delays

anyone see the story on the bloke in Canada that got his parcel 8 years late?

Message 43 of 43
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