on 21-05-2013 10:43 AM
Other than the sales lull that we are all experiencing, I am having a LOT of problems with the new policies that ebay has introduced.
I have already spoken to customer support about this a number of times but still my problem has not been fixed.
The issue is that I do NOT want to charge additional postage on every additional item purchased.
I have changed this time after time in the policies section, made up new policies deleted the others changed them on listings the list goes on and on and on, YET it STILL changes back to additional postage $10.55 or $8.00.
It is so frustrating.
Can anyone give me any advice here on how to solve this. Pretty frustrating to say the least.
Many thanks
on 21-05-2013 11:03 AM
I noticed something similar, and received this note back from eBay last week:
"An attempt to remove the retired shipping services from the SYI form was made but could not be applied consistently and consequently caused issues with relisting, revising, Automation Rules, and Good Til' Sold and Cancelled listings. Because of this issues this update caused it was decided to reverse the changes until a complete solution could be put in place. "
They are now operating a patched-together system with the old and new running side by side and (as you would expect) this has caused its own problems. Perhaps your one is related too.
I've decided to take a break from listing anything new until they get it all sorted.
on 21-05-2013 11:31 AM
Hello, I have noticed this as well and I have fixed the problem as I do not want customers paying multiple postage cost on multiple items. To fix: Go to revise your listing, then edit,
scroll down to postage area (mine shows additional 1.20 postage fee for each additional item...very wrong! ) In the box delete the additional postage and type in 0.00. If you leave it blank..it will auto revert to 1.20 additional fee. To test; list the item then go and revise again to see if it stays at 0.00. Mine is now okay. Let me know how you go.