on 03-03-2013 01:02 PM
I have some one that wants me to post a banknote to Malaysia what is best- cheapest way to post is tracking registered available?
Any problems with posting overseas as customer not receiving and claiming on pay pal?
on 03-03-2013 02:18 PM
Be really, really careful posting to Malaysia. I personally would not do it unless I had lots of contact with the buyer and checked with lots of other people. It's one of the scam capitals of the Universe.
on 03-03-2013 06:46 PM
I'm assuming it can go as a letter, under 50g, less than 2cm thick.
I'd post by insured letter rate, $1.65 + $9.60 insurance. Only problem is that technically you're not supposed to post bank notes overseas, so I'd probably describe it as "numismatic material" or "paper collectible" on the customs form.
It'll be $14.10 if weight is up to 250g.
For an ebay.com.au transaction, the sender's copy of the customs form will give you seller protection. (Proviso, provided the buyer isn't logged in to ebay.com when they make the purchase.)
on 03-03-2013 06:53 PM
Actually, I'm not 100% certain about the rule about sending bank notes overseas, I can't find it in the current website, so they may have changed the rules. ?:|
on 03-03-2013 08:13 PM
Generally current legal tender is not allowed to be sent by Aust Post. Collectable items are and should be marked as numismatic items as suggested already.
Best to send any collectable banknotes in water tight plastic sleeves and on thick cardboard so they don't bend. Then registered mail.
But if it's not someone known to you or a regular customer, I wouldn't trust a chargeback not being opened months later if funded by a PayPal credit card. (Malaysia has become rife with scams)
on 04-03-2013 10:07 PM
thanks all the the replies very helpful