Promoted listings on ebay. Any good?

Just got a message from eBay that I have been selected to sell via eBay Promoted Listings tool. Never heard of it before but it claims it puts your listings at the front for a price. The structure looks like google adwords and you only pay for it when it sells.


Has anyone done this and are able to share their experience with us before I decide to do this or not?

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Promoted listings on ebay. Any good?

I get very confused with the various Promotion Tools on this site.  There is Promotions Manager which lets you set up specific promotions within your store, and now the new Promoted Listings, which is like a bid for views program.  Judging by some of the responses so far, I don't think I am alone in my confusion.


I have used the Promotions Manager, with no result, but as it doesn't cost anything, I figure, why not.


I received an invitation to the Promoted Listings program but unfortunately, i don't sell in the categories that are available in the program so it was pretty useless.  I do use a similar program on another venue, but it operates on a pay per view basis rather than a pay per sale basis.  On that site, I find that the cost of promoting is about 25% of the revenue it brings in, and that site has excellent stats for identifying where revenue and views come from, far better than here.


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