on โ25-10-2024 04:25 PM
I am trying to do a multiple listing of 12 45rpm records. I have clicked on multiple listings, uploaded images, and added common information, however when I submit the "parent" listing I can only see the first record. I have tried doing a bulk edit however the listing is only considered a single listing. I can select the first record but none of the others. I must be missing a step. I have been trying to use variations but without success. I am assuming that one can do variations with records.
on โ25-10-2024 06:01 PM
Not necessarily. Many categories don't support variations.
Books don't. Given that books and records are both media...
on โ26-10-2024 07:06 AM
You may be right, though there are multiple listings of records on eBay.
on โ26-10-2024 08:22 AM
and this is in books:
on โ26-10-2024 06:54 PM
Must be special.
I explicitly don't get the option for variations.
Sardonicus - you get 250k listings per month. Why are you reluctant to list them individually?
Especially given a lot of buyers (those who come to the boards about variations) are extremely anti.
on โ27-10-2024 08:22 AM
It was mainly experimental. I list vinyl, CDs and DVDs and I thought that if a buyer interested in 45s saw a multiple listing with a lot of 45s in the ope place he wouldn't need to scroll through endless pages. I think I'll abandon the idea as it looks like it would be more trouble than its worth.
on โ27-10-2024 10:50 PM
Plenty of reasons to use variation items. I use them.
1. Catalogue reduction. I have over 100k items in my system's catalogue and 5 variations. 100k items is easier to manage than 500k
2. Easier to keep items in stock, thus preserving sales history and elevating rankings in search.
3. Fewer listings to create. Especially relevant if you create listings manually. If you're using software that is often licenced based on listing count (mine is)
4. Personally I prefer the buying experience. Reduces clutter in search results or if browsing
on โ31-10-2024 03:12 PM
I agree, but I don't seem to be able to do a multiple listing of vinyl records even though I have seen such listings on eBay