Selling to buyers with zero feedback...

Just a there a way to stop buyers with -zero feedback or buyers who just joined the day they bid on my item- actually bidding on my items? Ive had so many non paying buyers in the last few months and they were new members and had no feedback. Its annoying.

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Selling to buyers with zero feedback...

You became a member in Dec 2009 and left your first feedback as a buyer in Jan 2010 so I am not sure why you don't want to give 0 feedback members a go.  Sellers gave you a chance to build up your feedback so why don't you give these members a chance.


You will probably find you will have more people with feedback not paying than those with 0 feedback. 


Message 2 of 15
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Selling to buyers with zero feedback...

I realise everyone starts with zero feedback...but in the last few months ive had it happen to me about 13 times. Zero feedback, became a member the day they start bidding on my items...and the end up not paying. Yes i know i get my fees back. Its just a pain in the rear end.

Message 3 of 15
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Selling to buyers with zero feedback...

You can block 0 feedback buyers that are not verified. To be verified it has to be by either phone or credit card on file with ebay.

To put these blocks in place hover your mouse over account in your my ebay page and from the drop down click on Site Preferences then go down the list till you see Buyer requirements and to the right of that click on show then click on edit. From there you can put in place the blocks you want, to stop those you want to block from purchasing from you

Message 4 of 15
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Selling to buyers with zero feedback...

Thankyou very much *sparklz*

Message 5 of 15
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Selling to buyers with zero feedback...

You seem to have a very high number of non payers, 13 in the last few months.


I think you are selling items that lead to compulsive buying but on thinking about it the buyer decides they really can't justify getting the item.


If most of your items are BIN then maybe you should make them immediate payment required. That way the listing stays active until someone actually pays for the item.


You can't combine purchases with the immediate payment but I think that shouldn't matter if you actually have people paying for the items.

Message 6 of 15
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Selling to buyers with zero feedback...

Also with immediate payment required you don't need too many blocks in place so your items are available to as many buyers as possible.

Message 7 of 15
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Selling to buyers with zero feedback...

You seem to have a very high number of non payers, 13 in the last few months.


I think you are selling items that lead to compulsive buying but on thinking about it the buyer decides they really can't justify getting the item.



??  I don't think these items themselves are to blame for non paying bidders (although the crocheted items are exceedingly cute!)


Normally I would say give 0 feedbackers/newbies a go but seeing there have been so many lately putting blocks in place or immediate payments would be a good safeguard for now.

Message 8 of 15
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Selling to buyers with zero feedback...

I never said the items were to blame, the buyers are to blame however the items are so cute some compulsive buyers will choose to buy them and then after a period of time regret the expenditure therefore they don't pay.


I think cute baby things are more attractive to compulsive buyers rather than the fleeces and weaving looms I might sell.

Message 9 of 15
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Selling to buyers with zero feedback...

probably been very lucky but I've never had a problem with a zero feedback buyer in the 10 years I've been here. Everyone has to start somewhere.

Message 10 of 15
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