Somebody stole my listing and ebay Help is unresponsive ...


Same old chestnut,

I have someone who has copied and pasted my listing virtually word for word and 'stolen' 3 of 4 original photos as well.

As soon as I discovered this I contacted eBay almost 24 hours ago.

The listing is still there as of 5 minutes ago...

How long before they do anything?

I don't feel comfortable contacting the seller myself either.

Just so peed off as I am not a big seller and each of my listings take me hours to do and someone comes along and swipes my ad in 5 minutes.

Obviously I can't put any item numbers here to compare but so angry!

Any other avenues I can take would be of great help.

Message 1 of 17
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Somebody stole my listing and ebay Help is unresponsive ...

No wait, I think I found it, they stole your photos 3,4 and 5 AND your very fine print. The user name being the colour of grass and a type of long necked pond bird and 19?


Well, the first seller I mentioned also stole your main photo by the looks of it. Or are the full length photos stock photos?

Message 11 of 17
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Somebody stole my listing and ebay Help is unresponsive ...

That's the photos and text I was referring to.

Message 12 of 17
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Somebody stole my listing and ebay Help is unresponsive ...

That's the photos and text I was referring to
Message 13 of 17
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Somebody stole my listing and ebay Help is unresponsive ...

The full length photo is a stock photo but the other 4 photos are my own. I actually had 11 of my own photos but thought it may have been a bit of 'overkill' and deleted most of them prior to lising ...


Message 14 of 17
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Somebody stole my listing and ebay Help is unresponsive ...

I think after the issues a couple of sellers have had on here with scamming buyers, I don't think you can ever have too many photos when it comes to clothes!!!

Message 15 of 17
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Somebody stole my listing and ebay Help is unresponsive ...

I have had this happen to me on a few occasions. Usually it happens with buyers who have purchased items from me and then want to sell them on. They relist using often both my description and photos.


On the occasions when I've discovered this, I have contacted the buyers/sellers in question and made it quite clear that I don't appreciate them doing this. I also of course point out that they are violating ebay policy. More often than not, they SAY they were unaware that it was not permitted. Whether or not that's the case, they have always quickly revised their listings and replaced my photos with their own.


I do also say, that after having been a seller on ebay for nearly 7 years, I have quite a few return customers who instantly recognise my photos as mine, so in whatever small way, its a question of having created a brand that others associate with me. Usually this meets with understanding from the other party and I have never had to take the step of reporting. . .as yet !!! Hopefully I never will.


Hope you get some action soon !

Message 16 of 17
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Somebody stole my listing and ebay Help is unresponsive ...

Hi everyone


eBay took no action on my complaint ....


Against my better judgement, I ended up contacting the offending seller myself and in the nicest possible way told them it was a no-no to use other seller's text and original photos.


I received the 'didn't know it wasn't allowed' and a few other choice phrases in response ... but they did change their listing and put their own photos and deleted most of my text from their listing.


Thank you all for your replies which I very much appreciate and good luck with your future sales and purchases


Message 17 of 17
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