Switch To Classic View??

Has the Switch To Classic View in the seller hub disappeared for good?


I've been trying all afternoon but it only gives me seller hub - all the old tricks just lead me back to seller hub.  Even my book marked pages for "My Ebay All Selling" now only give me the seller hub & new style selling pages.


Help anyone??

Message 1 of 64
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Switch To Classic View??

@twyngwyn wrote:
....am trying to figure out why I can get there and you can't.....what's the difference?

I'm using Chrome, on a laptop, running Windows 10, and not a 'business'....anything there?

We're exactly the same as you, and our bookmark (which has been there since well before Seller Hub) still takes us to All Selling.


Hopefully it continues to work, as Mr Stamps doesn't like to change from what he knows.  

Message 11 of 64
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Switch To Classic View??

Nope.  Not a business, tried Chrome, running Windows 10 - I'm gazzumped!  So annoying as it's taking me forever to navigate my way around all these pages & bits & pieces.


Id anyone else has any ideas please put them in here.


Thanks everyone - I'm off to drown my sorrows!!



Message 12 of 64
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Switch To Classic View??

@wide-world-of-stamps wrote:

@twyngwyn wrote:
....am trying to figure out why I can get there and you can't.....what's the difference?

I'm using Chrome, on a laptop, running Windows 10, and not a 'business'....anything there?

We're exactly the same as you, and our bookmark (which has been there since well before Seller Hub) still takes us to All Selling.


Hopefully it continues to work, as Mr Stamps doesn't like to change from what he knows.  

Scratching my head....ALL of my old bookmarks took me to the hub.....and I've had them for years.....

Message 13 of 64
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Switch To Classic View??

@wide-world-of-stamps wrote:

@twyngwyn wrote:
....am trying to figure out why I can get there and you can't.....what's the difference?

I'm using Chrome, on a laptop, running Windows 10, and not a 'business'....anything there?

We're exactly the same as you, and our bookmark (which has been there since well before Seller Hub) still takes us to All Selling.


Hopefully it continues to work, as Mr Stamps doesn't like to change from what he knows.  


This is the one I use




Like Mr Stamps I have been using it forever; still takes me to Classic View

Message 14 of 64
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Switch To Classic View??

if you ask on the Technical Board....maybe eburtonlab will be along to help....he usually knows the answer, but is in the USA, so you'll have to be 'time conscious'
Message 15 of 64
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Switch To Classic View??

I'm thinking that's it for classic view - everybody will be using the hub.  Hope I'm wrong  but this is classic Ebay - tell them nothing & just switch everybody!!

Message 16 of 64
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Switch To Classic View??

@siddieswans wrote:

@wide-world-of-stamps wrote:

@twyngwyn wrote:
....am trying to figure out why I can get there and you can't.....what's the difference?

I'm using Chrome, on a laptop, running Windows 10, and not a 'business'....anything there?

We're exactly the same as you, and our bookmark (which has been there since well before Seller Hub) still takes us to All Selling.


Hopefully it continues to work, as Mr Stamps doesn't like to change from what he knows.  


This is the one I use




Like Mr Stamps I have been using it forever; still takes me to Classic View

I can use that one, now that I'm back on 'classic site', but couldn't before getting in by using the link I put up ^^^.....maybe it'll all go 'poof' tomorrow....they are probably still fiddling....oh no, Friday's not far away....gawd help us

Message 17 of 64
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Switch To Classic View??

2021-03-10 (2).pngHave now got this....so yes, they're 'fiddling'

Message 18 of 64
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Switch To Classic View??

I seem to have lost the seller hub as of maybe an hour ago.

I'm hoping it is only a glitch (not even Friday...sigh!).


It took me awhile to fing the community boards to see if anything had been happening to others since I last loggied in.


I just wish eBay wouldn't fix things when they aren't broken.

Message 19 of 64
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Switch To Classic View??

Do you mean the new Seller Hub or the old Classic View?


I thinkk the Classic View has gone forever, but I can access Seller Hub & Seller Overview fine.  Tearing my hair out as everything takes at least twice as long to do!!

Message 20 of 64
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