on 12-10-2014 03:27 PM
I just went to re-list an item and a banner came up stating.
Attention sellers:
Dear seller.
Charitable fundraising is closely monitored and is subject to various laws.
To view the requirements for charitable listings go to,(insert link here).
So it was fine the first time round but has now been flagged,(it has charity in the title but is not a charity listing).
So do I re-list it and hope it just goes through again?
Or just chuck it in with the market stuff?
The listing price was $4.99,(about a $3 profit after eBay and PP fees).
I know I only list low priced items and to some that may seem strange as the profit margin isn't high,(but I don't
sell to make a living and the items do seem to be appreciated by the buyers),
on 12-10-2014 03:56 PM
You can chance it, but the thing is with eBay, if they pull it you could end up with a listing violation. If you can change the wording you stand a better chance of it getting through.
on 12-10-2014 04:29 PM
I had that message on a listing last week. The thing is, my listing had NOTHING to do with charity, not in the name or description, nothing. I could not figure out why it got flagged.
So, I just relisted it, nothing happened.
on 12-10-2014 04:52 PM
I once had a book with the word asbsestos in the title - and I had a similiar warning.
It told me I wasn't allowed to sell prohibited, dangerous items.
on 12-10-2014 05:01 PM
@go-tazz wrote:I just went to re-list an item and a banner came up stating.
Attention sellers:
Dear seller.
Charitable fundraising is closely monitored and is subject to various laws.
To view the requirements for charitable listings go to,(insert link here).
So it was fine the first time round but has now been flagged,(it has charity in the title but is not a charity listing).
So do I re-list it and hope it just goes through again?
I would just relist.
I get warning after warning.
One of my coins depicts - Mercury, The Messenger of the Gods - good luck with removing that as dangerous.
Another was old money LSD - the UK shortening for Pounds, Shillings & Pence - not even remotely connected to Lucy in the Sky.
It is a programmed thingo - I have never had trouble ignoring.
on 12-10-2014 05:22 PM
@mccrae2007 wrote:
It told me I wasn't allowed to sell prohibited, dangerous items.
I used to get that warning when I listed flares (of the denim variety).
If you can reword the title so it makes clear what the item is etc without the use of the word charity, I'd probably do that to be on the safe side, but if not I'd probably list but buy a box of bandaids and prepare myself for papercuts, just in case the listing got pinged.
on 12-10-2014 05:22 PM
Thanks,I've re-listed it at a lower price,(maybe it'll sell before the bots pick it up),
on 12-10-2014 05:29 PM
@digital*ghost wrote:
@mccrae2007 wrote:
It told me I wasn't allowed to sell prohibited, dangerous items.
I used to get that warning when I listed flares (of the denim variety).
Were they yours from days gone by DG.
I can remember embroidered flares with cork heels.
Oh does that take me back - here comes my well needed dose of ABBA & a wine.
Must admit I can only put Mama Mia on when the family is absent - that is OK.
When asked what I would like for Xmas I told them to put a spare copy in my sock just incase I wore the other out.
They were thoughtful enough to add one.
on 12-10-2014 05:33 PM
@digital*ghost wrote:
If you can reword the title so it makes clear what the item is etc without the use of the word charity, I'd probably do that to be on the safe side, but if not I'd probably list but buy a box of bandaids and prepare myself for papercuts, just in case the listing got pinged
I've taken out a letter and put a couple of ** in place,(it's an eBay thing),
They can look at the photo to see what it is,
on 12-10-2014 06:28 PM
I've had similar issues (a while back) with the word not in the title. You're not meant to use the word not because is not appropriate if someone is searching for whatever you are saying the not is, i.e. "Blu-ray (not dvd)" is not allowed. It does cause a bit of an issue though when the word "not" is in the title of a movie. That said, I did successfully sell a DVD of Mel Brooks' To Be or Not To Be a while back without it going through as a policy violation...