on โ02-06-2021 03:10 PM
Hello All,
Just wondering if anyone seems to be having trouble listing today.
I have listings in draft in my main store seller account, that I wanted to check and schedule.
It lets me complete the listing and click the "list your item" button.
It then comes up with a screen saying "We looked everywhere, looks like this page is missing". then when I go back into my account its not correct. eg. Says Average standard instead of Top Rated and sales for the month and previous is nil, ( which it isn't). I can list and goes thru easy enough on my ipad but I can't schedule. Which is why I'm trying to use my laptop. I have gone completely out of it and signed in again done the whole process again and still says the same thing. Any ideas?
I may even have to revert back to doing something else and re-try again tonight.
Thank you in advance.
on โ02-06-2021 04:20 PM
All I can think of is to make sure you're logged into eBay.com.au.
I listed items this morning without any trouble.
on โ02-06-2021 04:38 PM
I am not a seller, but... have you registered for managed payments?