on 24-08-2012 06:38 PM
I am having major drama with Turbolister. It starts, but when I click on an item to edit, it goes to not responding and needs to close
Has happenned 5 times in a row
Would anyone know why it does this?
on 24-08-2012 06:53 PM
No but have you tried uninstalling & reinstalling?
on 24-08-2012 07:02 PM
Have you done the updates?
on 24-08-2012 07:04 PM
In TL try going to Tools at the top and then click on the Install Full Version Update.
That tends to fix a number of "glitches",:-D
on 24-08-2012 07:47 PM
I will try that and see how it goes 🙂
on 24-08-2012 07:51 PM
on 24-08-2012 08:15 PM
on 24-08-2012 08:20 PM
sorry foxy, bad bad bad koala :_|
on 24-08-2012 10:13 PM
If the full version update doesn't work then you may have to uninstal TL and start again, if you can do a backup before you start, I usually save that file to the desktop rather than the TL folder. After you have reinstalled create a new user, add a 1 or something so it is a completely different user file, do an update and then you can restore your items from the back up file.
If the same thing happens again then it probably means you have a corrupted file so try going through the whole thing again but use an earlier back up file. If you back up regularly then you shouldn't lose too many listings.
on 24-08-2012 10:29 PM
Auctiva is a pretty poor alternative to Turbo Lister