on 04-03-2013 08:28 PM
Sorry if a thread allready exists about this but its driving me mad..
Long time user never had any problems before,the last few months glitches nearly everytime i am
on ebay...
For example:
A watched item ends says click here to view sellers relisted item takes me back to the item that the auction has allready finished for(this is a new glitch) the last few days
Leaving feedback, comes up this item doesnt exist( well yeah it does its at my house) or i have allready
left feedback(no i havent?)
Or i get the red writing saying some things may be missing ATM
Im Sure theres others i cant think of right now, cmon EBAY get your act together with all
the money you make fix this site..
on 04-03-2013 11:57 PM
I haven't experienced the other glitches but the one about leaving feedback I've been getting for the last couple of weeks on and off. I find if I wait a few hours it usually fixes itself or, if I can't be bothered waiting then a change of browser will fix it. I always use Firefox for anything eBay related but when this glitch occurs I change to Internet Explorer and the feedback function then seems to work fine.
Life's too short to waste time being frustrated by the various eBay glitches - I just accept them as a fact of life now...
on 05-03-2013 08:24 AM
That is what usually happens on Friday when maintenance is being done; that is why certain areas cannot be accessed for 20 - 30 minutes. The FB glitch is something that happens now and then, just give it few minutes and it should work.